Chapter 19 | It Finally Happens

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S.Coup's P.O.V.


I don't think I've ever felt this refreshed, at least not in a very long time. I had Jeonghan to thank for that. He basically ordered me to go to sleep, on one hand, it pissed me off, I wasn't used to being ordered around anymore, but on the other hand, I really did need it.

But it didn't matter how refreshed I was. I would never want to go back to work, it was almost worse that I had to go back well-rested.

Today I had to plan what we were going to do to get the real spy, not some poor girl who had no idea what was going on.

I created a plan just in the comfort of my little apartment, I really didn't want to go to that dreary office. It took me a couple of hours to come up with a base plan. I would go over it with Jeonghan and we'd finish it together then tell everyone to get ready.

All I had to do now was find a suitable place to perform the plan and then I could get the rest of Seventeen to start working.


The next day at 11:24am

I placed a small knife into one of my hidden pockets, beside it was my pistol and two grenades. The group was getting ready to leave for the mission.

"Catch" Jeonghan called to me while throwing another knife, but this one was smaller.

"Dude you can't throw a fucking knife at me without a case on!" I had been lucky enough to catch it but it was still ridiculous of him to do it.

He just laughed and a genuine smile spread across his face, not his cocky one that pissed almost everyone else off.

I should have known this is what would make him happy.

"Are you ready?" I couldn't stay mad after his genuine display of happiness. It was so hard to feel happy in this environment.

"Yep! All I have to do is get my comm from Dino." He said while looking around, probably looking for Dino.

"Could you grab mine from him as well?" I asked while putting the thrown knife into one of my many jacket pockets.

"Sure!" Jeonghan called over his shoulder while he waved to me as he went to find Dino.

I looked around and spotted The8 and Mingyu talking as they tried to figure out their comms. Those two were always helpless when it came to getting those ready.

A small smile appeared on my face while walking over to them to help them and just make sure they understood what to do during the mission.

"Hello, S.coups!" The two of them said in sync, although The8's was less enthusiastic. He must be in a good mood today.

"I'm just here to go over what you're role will be." They both nodded their heads at me, "You two need to stay hidden until the spy comes, when, or if he comes you two will take out any other people he brings if he's foolish enough to do so. I won't let any mistakes happen. Remember, the last time we didn't have anyone to check for enemy backup we lost Sammy."

Mingyu looked down to the ground and The8 looked to his side but not at anything specific.

"Yes sir." Mingyu eventually replied.

I gave them a curt nod and went to check on some other important things.


Jun's P.O.V.


Yesterday I got a notification from Jeonghan telling me that we would be going through with our plan with Y/N tomorrow. My job was to basically babysit Y/N, I had to take her to the warehouse where we would be threatening her and just make sure she didn't escape. While it wasn't super exciting I found myself looking forward to it.

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