Chapter 28 | A New Beginning

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Dino's P.O.V.


I know that he lost his sister, but couldn't he bother someone else about this?

Part of me feels bad about thinking that, but there's nothing I will ever be able to do to help him, even when I want to.

How am I supposed to help them when S.Coups specifically said that no one is allowed to search for her.

It doesn't matter anyway. Even if DK finds out who is behind his sister's death, there's nothing he'll be able to do. He isn't strong enough.

If DK or Jun ever went to go to someone else to try and find out about DK's sister, I would be skrewed.

I had given the two of them too much information that was false, just so that I could get them off my back for a few days.

It was tiring. I didn't enjoy lying, and more than that I really don't like covering up as much information as I can about the night DK's sister died.


Y/N's P.O.V.


It was so awkward living in someone else's house. Especially someone I don't know, all I know is that he likes to be called 'The8'. 

"Who calls themself The8 anyway?

"What am I supposed to do once I'm done cooking?

"I could just hide in the kitchen all day, but that would be weird."


I finally decided that I would just go out into the main room and continue the chess game after eating.

I hadn't noticed that The8 had seen me play chess, not until I was done and he asked to play against me.

And somehow that led to the two of us playing chess for the rest of the day. It went well and I beat him twice more than he had beaten me.

While we played I'm pretty sure we only said a total of twenty words to each other, which was just asking if we were going to play another game.

Even if there was no conversation it was relaxing. 

The8 left at around six o'clock. For the rest of the day, I just sat in front of the TV and watched some random show.

Somehow I was much more comfortable in here now.


Xiaojun's P.O.V.


I stand in the middle of my room, breathing heavily and trying to hold back tears. I'm pretty sure I had thrown everything that I could pick up. I was usually so good at keeping my anger under control.

But could anyone really keep cool when their best friend disappeared with our hostage and doesn't try to contact me until he needs tickets out of the country so he can be safe from the very group I work in?

I'm not ashamed to cry, but I refuse to cry over someone who threw me away so carelessly. Yet, I can't get my mind off the fact that he left me here. What type of friend was that?

"You fool!"

At this point, I'm not sure if I'm talking to myself or to Yangyang.

Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to sulk around in this mess of a room. I need to go on a mission with Ten and Kun. Then I also have to clean this mess when I get back.

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