Chapter 23 | You can't Outrun the Past

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S.Coups' P.O.V.


It always hurt to think about Samuel. He was only seventeen, pretty ironic. His death had broken the group apart. We still worked great as a team, especially with a desire to take down NCT.

Me and Jeonghan were the ones who blamed ourselves the most. Because it was all our fault, I mean, we were the ones who hired a bloody teenager to work for the mafia. It definitely didn't help that Dino was also a teenager when we hired him.

"How were we so damn desperate?" I groaned as I placed my head into my hands.

Samuel's death was the main reason The8 was so standoffish from the rest of us. There was always a part of him that was cold and annoyed toward us.

When The8 first joined us, he had been relatively friendly and respectful. Once Samuel joined the group, The8 basically took him under his wing. By some miracle, The8 and Jun got along. They both would spend time with Samuel.

When The8 learned Samuel died, he stormed off to who knows where. By the time he got back, he was the way he acts now, only changing his attitude when he was with Mingyu.

Even after two years, he hasn't changed. At least not that I know of.

"I need to get some fresh air." I sighed.

Standing up, I left my office, just to be met by a rushed Dino, who almost ran into me.

"Wow, is something wrong." I automatically switched back to work mode.

"Yeah, Y/N was taken by Stray Kids." He said, getting straight to the point, through heavy breaths.

"I should have run away when my dad died." I accidentally thought out loud.

"Soo, uhh, what are we doing?" He looked at me with a nervous look. He knew what was going to say.

"We have to kill her, we don't know what she could have learned. Damn for all we know she could actually be a spy." I started walking back to my office.

///"I should just add a bed in there. I basically live there."

"Do you know where they're keeping her?" I asked as Dino followed a step behind me.

"Not right now, but it can't be too hard to find out. I'll just track the car on the street cameras."

"Sounds good. Go do it and tell me once you know." I heard him turn around and go away.

Once I was sure Dino was gone, I started to go to the elevator so I could go to the roof.


It was really relaxing to sit on the roof. Just to be in the fresh air helped me calm down and think clearer. If I got a healthy amount of sleep I could almost feel like a normal person.  

I didn't have many chances to come up here, which was really unfortunate because it was my comfort place.

Reminds me of before I was part of a crazy mafia who murdered people.

Unfortunately. there wasn't much to remember.


Yangyang's P.O.V.


"Surely this place has a kitchen or pantry or something that has food." I talked to myself while walking around Seventeen's building. The room I was staying in ran out of food last night, and now I was super hungry.

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