Chapter 10 | The Reality

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  | The Reality

Y/N's P.O.V.

Unknown Time

"Why does my head hurt so much?" I mumbled out. My voice sounded hoarse. It took me a minute to understand what had happened.

"That bastard! He kidnapped me!"

I looked around my surroundings. After my eyes had adjusted to the darkness of the room, I was tied to a chair in the middle of the room. The room was pretty small, with no windows. The room was so freezing cold that my clothes gave me no warmth whatsoever. As my eyes adjusted more, I started to notice what I guessed to be blood stains on the floor and some along the walls. To me, the worst part about the room was the lack of sound. The only thing that could be heard was my breathing, which was coming out shaky.

I'd always hated the silence. To me, there was nothing worse. I noticed that I was shaking from fear and the cold.

Along with the fright of being kidnapped, I also felt miserable because I had really thought that Jun and me would get along wonderfully. Obviously I was wrong.


It's felt like I have been in this cursed room for years. I have no idea how long it actually was.At first, I tried to count every second to give me something to do, but I ended up feeling like I was going insane. When that didn't work, I tried to play a game of chess in my head. I failed. It felt like I couldn't find anything to distract myself. Well, at least not for long. I would always go back to studying the room, obsessively trying to find a way to escape.

 While I was thinking about how scientists found out about echolocation, a door opened and light poured into the room making me squint.

"Well she's finally wake. Took a day and a half." I was not ready to hear his voice again. I was used to his charmingly sweet voice, but not this. Jun's voice sounded sinister and evil. So much so that I involuntarily flinched away from it.

Even though it hurt to look up both from the light and having to see him, I forced myself to. Beside him was another man. He was slightly shorter by maybe two inches?

Jun started to walk towards to me. It wasn't a long distance, but it felt like forever. When he was right in front of me, he lowered himself down, so that we were face to face.

"Look, all you have to do is answer our questions truthfully and you won't be hurt. So who do you work for?" Jun said, all to smugly

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

Before I could say another thing, my cheek was stinging from him slapping me. It wasn't a light slap or anything relatively close to it. It had made my head violently jerk to my side, where my chin had hit my shoulder.

I had answered truthfully, so the part about "answer truthfully and you won't get hurt," was a lie. I have a feeling this isn't going to get better.


Twelve year old Yangyang's P.O.V.


Once again, I was curled up in a ball hiding in my closet. I could hear gunshots from every direction, along with screams of pain. I brought my hands up to my ears to try and block out the sound. Unfortunately, it did very little to help and I was stuck hearing the sound of gunshots possibly killing the people I cared about.


The gunshots had stopped five minutes ago, but I was still hiding. My family always made it very clear to never leave my hiding spot unless someone had come to get me. One time it had taken over an hour because they'd forgotten about me.
I heard a soft knocking on the door: "Yangyang, it's safe now." It was my caretaker. Why my parents thought I still needed a caretaker at twelve, I had no idea. It was likely to embarrass me because, according to them, I was useless if I couldn't easily kill people. "Ridiculous."

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