Chapter 8 | Betrayed

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Seungmin's P.O.V.


I was working one of my shifts at the café. Right now, I was mostly trying to not punch the customer in front of me who thought they were better than me. After the customer left, the café was much more quiet and peaceful.

While I was cleaning the countertop to busy myself, a new person came into the cafe. I went to go take their order at the cash register, but froze when I saw who it was: Beomgyu. 

As he was walking towards me for who-knows-what reason, he teasingly smirked at Y/N, who was way too obviously staring at him. But when he reached me, he instantly became serious.

"I need to talk to you, you might be in a lot of danger!" Beomgyu whispered to me, looking over at my coworkers to make sure they couldn't hear him. "We should go somewhere private."

I nodded at him, "Okay, give me a second."

I walked over to Y/N to ask her to cover for me. Thankfully, she agreed to it, but I think she realized something was wrong and she was suspicious of it.

As I walked back over to Beomgyu, I quickly scanned the cafe to make sure everything was safe. 

"Follow me." I whispered while passing the bearer of bad news.

I took Beomgyu back to the back room and waited to hear why I was in danger. Unfortunately, Beomgyu just stood there, looking at me as if I was the one who had to tell him something.

"So are you just going to look at me or are you going to tell me what happened?"

He let out a small sigh before talking: "Seventeen know about the spy."

"They know what!?!?" I tried my best to not raise my voice too high so no one could overhear us.

"More than that, they know the spy is working here. We're not quite sure if they know it's you, but you either need to leave or be much, much more careful."

At this point, there were too many thoughts racing through my head to even figure out an appropriate response. "What if they know who I am? What if one of my coworkers is part of Seventeen? What if I fail and get kicked out? I don't think Chan would kick me out for this; well, he might, but JYP most definitely would."


??? P.O.V.

unknown time

I was already standing at the doors that would lead to the bosses' office. The doors weren't anything special, they weren't big or fancy, but they did cause me to feel nervous. The boss was a scary man to talk to and I knew he wouldn't be pleased to hear my report.

I looked down at my quickly scribbled notes about everything I would need to go over. I had made it a habit to keep notes with me because I often would forget what I was going over when I was stressed, and I was always highly anxious when talking to the boss.

Finally, I roughly knocked on the door, cringing at how loud it was.

"I'm really not suited for this job"

After roughly twenty seconds later, the door was opened by a fierce-looking Taeyong: "You're two minutes late."

"Are you bloody kidding me?"

"I'm sorry," is what I said out loud while bowing. I was trying to not look pissed at him for getting angered at me for something so small and trying to not look nervous because I made him upset.

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