Chapter 40 | Cruel Bullets

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Squeezing my eyes shut as a gunshot goes off, I flinch and cover my ears. My ears start ringing and I hear someone scream.

I force myself to open my eyes. "I need to get out of this fucking building!"

The boy who had been pointing his gun at me was now lying on the ground, a growing pool of blood by his head. Mingyu looked completely expressionless, his gun pointing at the dead boy like he was expecting for him to get back up.

Meanwhile, The8 stares in shock at the body, even though his gun was also pointing at it. Slowly, he lifts his head up to look at me. Somehow his eyes widen even more when he sees me.

My head starts to ache and I feel light on my feet, I can barely hold my head up. I look down and see a dark red circle staining the middle of my shirt. My breath hitches and I slowly bring my hand up to the wound. I place my hand on it, immediately flinching back at the stinging pain.

"How did I not notice?"

"Y/N!" I hear someone faintly yelling in the background.

Suddenly my vision starts to blur, and I fall to the ground.


The8's POV


As Y/N drops to the floor unconscious, I run over to her, jumping over Samuel's body. I flip her over onto her back. Blood was spilling out of her wound, pooling onto the floor.

I took a deep breath, thinking back on the few lessons I had for first aid. 

Mingyu limps over to me, "I'll go get a first aid kit," he says calmly.

As Mingyu limps to the staircase, I place both my hands over Y/N's wounds and apply pressure.

I look around, silently praying that no one would come around this area. If anyone from Seventeen sees me I'm good as dead, and so is Y/N.

"How did I end up being the one taking care of this situation? DK's the one who wanted this."

I take one hand off Y/N's wound and pull out my phone so I can call DK.

"Come down to the first floor right now!" I almost yell into my phone. 

"What? Why? Call Joshua instead, I'm doi-"

"Because Y/N just got shot and you're the damn reason why she's here!" I cut him off.

"What do you mean?" DK asks, suddenly talking quietly, "Why the hell is she here?"

"Shit, we didn't tell him."

"Yeah, well she's here. And she is also bleeding out, so fucking get down here!" I yell into my phone, not letting him respond. I throw my phone onto the floor and put more pressure on the wound.

"I got the kit!" Mingyu calls up to me as he hobbles up the stairs. Mingyu sits opposite of me and hands me the kit.

I open it and stare blankly at it. "You're better at this than me." I shove the kit back to Mingyu, scared that I'll accidentally mess something up.

"Move your hands," Mingyu says while grabbing out a few things from the medical aid kit.

I grab my gun and stand up, preparing for anyone who would show up.

"So, what are you going to do?" Mingyu asks.

I think it over for a moment, "I'm not sure," I reply disappointed in myself. I should be able to have at least a general plan.

I sigh, despretly trying to think of anything I could do to get Y/N out alive.

"Your phone is buzzing," Mingyu informs me, bandaging the gun wound. 

I sprint over to it and pick it up.

"The others now!" DK says frantically, "I overheard Jeonghan telling Joshua!"

"Wait what!"

"They know that you and Mingyu were hiding her," DK pants.

"Do they know about you?"

"I don't think so."

"Fuck," I mutter under my breath, "Just get down here quick!" I hang up on him.

"What was that about?" Mingyu looks at me.

"Jeonghan knows about this." I vaguely gesture to Y/N. 

Suddenly I remember that damned car that was following us yesterday, "That motherfucker!"

"Jeonghan was the one following us, wasn't he?" Mingyu asks.

"It sure seems like it." I start to pace, thinking of a plan and waiting for DK to get down here.

"I'm here!" I spin around and see DK running towards us. He drops down by Y/N and shoves Mingyu out of the way so he can take over.

As DK starts making sure Y/N doesn't die, Mingyu walks over to me, "So what are we supposed to do?"

I sigh, "I think we should leave the country." I shrug, "Safest option for right now."

"With Y/N?"

"Yeah. I mean it would be pretty cruel to go through this and leave her to die, right?"

"Can one of you guys help me?" DK interrupts our conversation, "I need to pull the bullet out."

Both me and Mingyu look at each other, "Have fun," I say and walk over to the elevator to take watch.

We are at one of the back corners of the building, which makes it relatively easy to make keep watch of anyone coming. Problem was, if anyone comes down the corridor, I'll be the only one able to do anything since DK and Mingyu were pulling a bullet out of Y/N. 

While checking on Y/N I notice Samuels body lying on the ground. 

I'm not sure how to feel after thinking he was dead for so long. I'm still in shock that he was working with NCT. I simply stare at his dead body blankly, trying to figure out my emotions.

"Okay, you guys should leave now," DK says, standing up.

"Wait give me your phone," I say to DK.

"Why?" He asks while handing it to me.

I go to his contacts and add a number to it. "So you can contact us if you need to," I say then throw my phone against the wall. "It's for my phone that S.Coups doesn't know about."

"Got it," he replies then starts to leave, "Hey, please make sure she stays safe."

"Yeah, sure," I say like it was an afterthought. "Don't worry." DK nods then walks away.

"I'll get the car," Mingyu runs out of the building and I gently pick up Y/N.

I lie Y/N in the back of the car then get into the passenger seat.

"Where are we going?" Mingyu asks, pulling out of the Seventeen's headquarters.

"I'm not sure." I shrug, "Just drive for an hour then stop at the nearest hotel."


[Author's Note]

I did not enjoy googling "How does it feel to be shot". It was pretty interesting tho.

So I think I might add a little bit more to the story than I was originally planning. I want to flesh out Y/N and The8's relationship a bit more. I'm still not sure if I will tho.

Also thanks so much for all the comments on the last chapter, they really helped me and I wanted to respond to them but I wasn't sure what to say.

Well, that's all I have to say this week, so I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Have a good day/night!

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