Chapter 41 | Attempts to Escape

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Jisung's P.O.V.


"What the heck!" I scream as a bullet just barely misses my leg.

Me, Hyunjin, and Minho were all hiding behind one wall, occasionally taking turns shooting at the four Seventeen men. Two of them I know as popular assassins, but I don't know who the other two are.

"We're gonna dieee," I groan.

Minho slaps my arm, "Shut up Han! We'll be fine," he glares at me, "I hope," he adds quietly.

Hyunjin slowly starts to stick his out to examine the situation. As his head appears over the wall, a series of bullets ring out. Hyunjin jerks his bad, part of his hair burned from a bullet.

Minho's phone starts to ring, "Chan?"

I hear Chan's faint voice, but I can't make anything out.

"Are you sure?" Minho asks, sounding more distressed. "Okay, got it. Good luck." He then grabs one of my shoulders and also Hyunjin's. "Okay, so Chan wants you two to save Seungmin."

Me and Hyunjin share a look, excited to help Seungmin.

"According to Chan, Seungmin is in the second basement. I'm not sure what room, so good luck with that." Minho finishes before patting our shoulders.

Me and Hyunjin nod to each other and run down the hall, leaving Minho alone verse the four enemy men.

"There's the elevator!" I say, pointing while we run. The two of us almost fall into the elevator door. The elevator door opens, and we rush in. "Come onnnn." I continually press the "Close door" button.

"Damn it," Hyunjin muttered, "The elevator doesn't take us to the basement, just the lobby floor."

"Ugh," I sigh. We wait as the elevator goes down, eerie elevator music playing in the background.

"So, uhh, do you have any plan, or are we just winging it?" I ask.

"Winging it I guess. I don't have a plan so."

"Sounds good to me."

The elevator door opens, and me and Hyunjin stick our heads out, looking to see if anyone was around.

"Do you remember where the stairs to the basement are," I whisper to Hyunjin.

"Shit. Uhh, let's go this way," Hyunjin says, pointing to the right.

I nod and we start walking.

"I think that the stairway should be down this hall," Hyunjin says as we turn a corner.

Once we turn the corner, the two of us gasp. A bloody body was lying face-first on the floor, with a growing circle of blood. And behind that, another, smaller blood pool.

"Okay then." We walk past the body, "Oh look!" I point to a door with a stair sign beside it.


"Twenty-something cells, and we still haven't found Seungmin," I sigh, leaving one of the cells. "Surely we're close now."

Something crashes in front of us, and then the sound of muffled voices.

Hyunjin signals to me, and we slowly tiptoe down the hall, our guns ready to fire.

At the end of the hall, there was an open door to a cell, with Seungmin tied down to a chair.

He looked horrid, blood covered his face, his hair tangled and grown out, his eyes were barely able to stay open, and his cheeks were sunken.

I go to run towards him but stop when someone I don't know paces in front of the door and stands to face Seungmin.

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