Chapter 25 | The Mission

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Jun's P.O.V.


Two cups of coffee was barely enough for me to be awake at four-thirty in the morning.

I was on my way to pick up DK. The plan was for the two of us to meet The8 at a gas station about ten minutes away. It wouldn't be very believable to see the three of us together. Honestly, it wouldn't be believable if The8 was going somewhere with anyone.

Hopefully, this early in the morning no one would be awake to find anything we do suspicious. But of course, S.Coups just had to be awake, walking right towards me.

"Ahh, Hello S.Coups!" I switched to a fake cheerful attitude, "Why are you up so early?" I smiled at him.

"Mmh, I'm going to bed."

I don't think I've ever heard such a tired voice. I had to stifle a laugh.

S.Coups gave me a concerned look, "What are you doing? I know that you despise being up in the morning, especially when it's still dark outside." He stopped in his tracks and crossed his arms.

"DK insisted that he take me somewhere. He won't tell me where though?" The lie rolled off my tongue flawlessly. I gave him an innocent shrug.

"Great, now I have to create a believable place DK would take me. Ugh, I made it sound weird. Hopefully, he's just too tired to notice."

S.Coups just squinted his eyes at me for a few seconds before walking off without saying anything.

"Seems like he believed me."

I continued on my way to DK's and Joshua's room.

When I arrived at their room, I lightly knocked on the door, just enough for DK to hear.

He had obviously been waiting for me. He opened the door just about three seconds after I had knocked.

"What took you so long?" Dokyeom's voice was groggy.

"Ran into S.Coups, but it wasn't a big deal." I turned my back to him and started walking to the parking lot. I waved my hand to him, signaling him to follow me.

We don't want to make The8 wait too long. I don't want to deal with an annoyed The8 all day.


As I turned into the gas station, I caught sight of a tired and annoyed The8, lightly leaning on his motorcycle.

Me and DK were roughly eight minutes late. Before we were able to leave the base, we had ran into Jeonghan. Who was covered in blood, and I highly doubt it's his.

He had questioned us much more than S.Coups had, so it took a while to shake him off. Thankfully we were able to get away from him before he got too suspicious.

The8 started to walk over to the car as I parked it. Once he stepped into the car, I immediately started to drive again.

"What took you so long? You do realize we don't have much time to spare?" The8's voice was the normal annoyed tone, the only difference was that he sounded tired right now.

"I ran into S.Coups, then the two of us ran into Jeonghan, so we didn't have much of a choice!" I spat back at The8.

I could see him roll his eyes from the mirror.

I just sighed. I wasn't going to make something of this. It would just make our work a lot harder than it needs to be.


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