Family Trip

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Hi, it's me, Mia and this is my second story of my life! It's been a year since my life has changed and it's also been a year since my boyfriend, Grayson and I started dating. 

It all started with a fake relationship, but now we're an actual real couple and we're still as strong as ever and are very happy. 

Now, it's the holidays and my whole family, except for Jack and Courtney, and I are on vacation in Sydney, Australia, we're also visiting my dad's relatives, who lives there. 

Daniel, is my dad's older brother and my uncle, he moved to Australia after marrying his Australian wife, Amanda. Together they have 2 daughters, Hannah and Sarah and a son, Mike, who are my cousins. 

My uncle is a karate instructor and owns his very own karate academy, where he trains and taught many people how to fight. He even taught my cousins karate and including my sisters and I, whenever we're in the country. 

My older cousin, Michael, who goes by Mike is a college student, and is attending college at the moment. He's also in a relationship with his girlfriend, Olive Kingston, who also attends the same college as him. 

My other two cousins, Hannah and Sarah are still in high school and both of them aren't in a relationship at the moment. They wanted to focus on their studies and prefer to start dating when they start college. 

On our second final day in Australia, Hannah and Sarah took Katie, Josie, Lyla and I out to the city. We went shopping, explore Darling Harbour, trying amazing seafood, go on a ferry and looking at animals in Taronga Zoo. 

That night, we were exhausted after a long day out in the city, my sisters and cousins all went to bed to rest. My parents are FaceTiming Jack and Courtney back home, and I'm waiting for Grayson to wake up and FaceTime me. I waited in the bedroom that I share with Lyla, who is sleeping. 

Back home in America, Grayson wakes up in the morning and he immediately FaceTime calls me, which of course, my phone went off. I quickly left my shared room, so I wouldn't disturb Lyla and went outside on the balcony, where it is quiet. 

I then answer his call and his face appears on my phone screen. "Hi, Mia.", Grayson replied with a sleepy voice. "Hey, Gray!", Mia smiled. "How's Sydney?", Grayson asked. "It's been amazing. I had an amazing day with my sisters and cousins. We went everywhere in the city.", Mia sighed.

"Sounds like you had a great time.", Grayson sighed. "Yeah, I did.", Mia smiled. "So great that you didn't think about me?", Grayson asked. "What? Of course I thought about you.", Mia sighed. "I'm kidding!", Grayson laughed, which made her giggle. 

"I miss you, babe.", Grayson sighed. "I miss you too. Tomorrow will be my last day, until I fly home.", Mia sighed. "I can't wait. Anyways, I have a football practice in half an hour, so I better go and get ready.", Grayson replied. "Ok, I'll see you when I fly back home.", Mia replied. 

"Alright, enjoy your last day in Australia.", Grayson sighed. "Thanks babe.", Mia smiled. "Bye, I love you.", Grayson sighed. "I love you too, bye.", Mia smiled, before ending the call and he is gone. After ending my call with Grayson, I checked the results on my phone to see if I got into Yale University. 

Yeah, Grayson and I are planning to go to Yale University after we graduate high school, we don't want to be long-distance from each other, so we decided to get into the same college, so we could be together all the time. But when I refresh the results, it still says 'Pending'. 

I let out a huge sigh. "It's going to be a long day.", I sighed to myself. I went back inside the house and went to sleep. The next day, it was our final day in Australia and my whole family and I went to the Sydney Harbour, and we're all about to climb on the Sydney Harbour Bridge. 

I had butterflies in the stomach, as I'm nervous about climbing on the biggest bridge of Australia. We are all suited and geared up, and we all climbed up on the bridge. It was tiring but once we reach to the top, it was breathtaking. I could see the everything from the top, the skyline is so beautiful. 

I took a panorama photo of the whole thing on my phone and post it on Instagram, and I got many likes and comments from my followers. This afternoon, my family packed out bags as we're about to catch a plane back home. 

After putting out bags into the taxi, we all said goodbye to my family. I said goodbye to Hannah and Sarah. "We'll miss you.", I sighed. "We will too, have a safe flight back home.", Hannah sighed, as she, Sarah and I hug together. Then my dad calls me. "Time to go, Mia.", Dad called out. 

"Coming, Dad!", I called out, before looking back at Hannah and Sarah. "I'm sorry, I have to go now.", I sighed. "It's ok, go back to Grayson, he's waiting for you.", Sarah smiled. I then gave them one last hug before running to the taxi and climb onboard, shutting the door behind me.

My uncle, my aunt and my cousins wave goodbye and watch our taxi cab drive off out of their street. In the cab, I was thinking about Grayson as we drove to Sydney Airport. 

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