The Truth Comes Out

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It's been a month since I got rejected by Yale and I still haven't told Grayson the truth about me not getting into Yale, Margot and Araminta are annoyed of me not telling him yet, they kept telling me to tell him the truth. I try to have the courage to tell him, but I couldn't bear to tell him. 

At school, the school announce the senior year school trip, to Sydney, Australia. Everyone is so excited for the trip, including myself, because I'm excited to see my cousins again and of course introduce Grayson to my relatives from Sydney. 

I told my family about the school trip and they let me go to Sydney with my friends. On the night before the trip, I packed my bags and video call my cousins from Sydney. "We are so excited for you to come back and we have your room ready by tomorrow.", Hannah replied. 

"Oh, about that, I'm actually not staying at the house during my stay. I'll be staying at a hotel along with the senior students and school staff.", I replied. "What?!", Sarah asked. "I'm sorry, girls. But I have to stay with them, it's compulsory.", I replied.

"Ok.", Hannah replied. "But I will be able to visit you and you can meet my boyfriend.", I smiled. "Ok, we can't wait to meet him.", Sarah replied. "Anyways, I have to go and finish packing, I'm going to meet up with Grayson after packing up.", I smiled. 

"Ok, text us when your plane arrives to Sydney.", Hannah replied. "I will, see you tomorrow when I arrive.", I replied before ending the video call. I was doing some work on my laptop when I receive an unexpected email. I open it and it was from SCSU, Southern Connecticut State University, a university that is 5 minutes away from Yale.

As I opened their email, it said that I got accepted into the university, I was surprised and shocked, and I told my parents, before calling Katie and Josie about the news. "I got into SCSU.", I replied. 

"Oh, that's amazing Mia, and plus, it's not far from Yale, you can see Grayson. It only takes 5 minutes to drive from SCSU to Yale.", Katie replied. "I haven't told Grayson that I got rejected from Yale yet, and he doesn't know that I got into SCSU.", I smiled. "You have to tell him, Mia. He deserves to know the truth.", Josie replied. 

"That's why I'm going to tell him tonight.", I sighed. Later, Grayson came to my house to pick me up and we drove to the city and went to our favourite diner, and we have milkshakes and a plate of curly fries with ketchup. 

"I'm so excited for Sydney, Mia. I can't wait to experience it with you and meet your relatives there.", Grayson replied. "I'm glad you're excited.", I smiled, as I play with my milkshake straw. "You ok, babe?", he asked. "I'm fine.", I sighed. "Mia, I can tell something is bothering you. Tell me what's wrong.", Grayson replied. 

I know that I can't hide it from him anymore, and I have to come clean. "Grayson, whatever I'm going to tell you right now, will crush you, like it crushed me.", I sighed. "Baby, you can tell me anything.", Grayson replied, as he held my hand, but I quickly move it away from his. 

I quickly took a deep breath and said it. "I didn't get into Yale.", I sighed. When I said it, Grayson didn't say anything, or react like I expected. "I'm sorry, Gray. I really wanted to tell you, but I didn't have the courage to say it. When I lied to you, I felt so ashamed and regret.", I replied. 

"I know you wanted me to go to Yale with you, but there's nothing I can do anymore.", I cried, as a tear came down my eye, as I drop my head down. Grayson reaches out for my chin and gently lift it up, facing him. 

"Mia, it's ok. I understand and I forgive you for lying to me. You did it because you didn't want to upset me.", Grayson sighed. "I didn't want to hurt you, I thought you would be crush and devastated if you found out.", I cried. "Mia, I am crush, but not as crushed as you are.", Grayson sighed. 

Grayson and I lean in closer as we rub our foreheads together. "Don't worry, we'll figure something out, I promise.", Grayson sighed, before he kisses my forehead. "I love you.", I sighed. "I love you, too.", Grayson whispered. Then I decided to tell him about SCSU. "But I got into SCSU.", I replied. Grayson froze and look at me. "What?", he asked. 

"Southern Connecticut State University, I got in.", I replied. Grayson is surprised. "What?! Mia, that's amazing! I'm so happy for you!", Grayson cried. "You are?", I asked. "Of course! SCSU, is like 5 minutes away from Yale! Even though we won't be going to the same college together, we can always visit each other, like a lot!", Grayson smiled. 

"You should attend to SCSU! So that we'll always be together!", Grayson cried. "Maybe, then I will.", I smiled. "You'll love SCSU, babe. We'll always be together.", Grayson sighed, as we smile with joy. 

When I got home, I was so happy that I got accepted into SCSU, and not just that, but I'll be near Grayson.

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