A Wedding Anniversary

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8 months later, I still haven't told Grayson about my plans to go to Sydney Uni, Margot and Araminta kept pressuring me to tell him, but I didn't have the heart to tell him as I did time to think. 

Today is a very special day for my parents, as it's their 30th Wedding Anniversary. To celebrate, my family invited all of our friends, including my relatives from France and Australia to celebrate. They also invited Grayson, Margot and Araminta to the event. 

Katie and Josie flew back home from Dallas to be at the party. It was amazing to have them back home and join us in one of our family events. My sisters and I went to get ready for the anniversary party, as my parents kept on pushing us. 

Girls, hurry up! We have to get to the venue soon!", Mom called out from downstairs. "Ok!", I called out, as my sisters helped me get ready for the anniversary party. Soon, my sisters and I are ready for our parents' anniversary party.

Katie wore a long mermaid black dress, while Josie wore the same long mermaid dress as Katie's, but in purple. Lyla wore a black and red mini dress. I wore a long royal blue backless dress and I pair it with sparkly gold heels and a diamond choker. 

Mom is in her room, getting ready for the party, wearing a long sleeve Jack and his wife, Maria, who is now 9 months pregnant, arrives to the house unexpectedly, with flowers and a bottle of champagne. 

"Jack, Maria! Good to see you.", Mom smiled. "Hi, Mom.", Jack smiled, as he gives her a kiss and a hug. "Happy Anniversary, Tina.", Maria replied. "Thank you, Maria. How's the baby?", she asked. "Going great, 9 months have passed, I'll be due in a week.", Maria smiled, as she held her baby bump. 

"Oh and this is for you and Dad.", Jack replied, presenting Mom a bottle of champagne and a beautiful bouquet of flowers. "Aww, thank you. And these flowers are beautiful.", Mom smiled, before calling us down. "Girls, come down and say hello to your brother.", Mom called out. 

Katie and Josie came downstairs to greet Jack and Maria. "Hey!", Jack smiled as he saw them, going to hug them both. "Welcome home, girls.", Jack replied. "It's great to be home for a party.", Josie laughed. 

Then they went to hug Maria. "How's the baby?", Katie asked. "Good, this little one will be due in a week.", Maria replied. "We can't wait.", Katie replied. Lyla and I came downstairs together, Lyla ran to see Maria and her baby bump, while I went to greet Jack. 

"Hey, Mia-Doll.", Jack smiled. "Hi, Jack.", I replied as we hug. "I hear you decided to go to Sydney Uni after graduation. I'm so happy for you.", Jack replied. "Thanks, Jack.", I replied. Then I decided to talk to Jack in private. "Mind if we talk somewhere quiet? I need to ask you something.", I asked. 

"Yes of course.", Jack replied, turning to Maria. "I'll be back in a minute.", Jack smiled. "Ok.", Maria smiled, as Jack and I left the room and went into my parents' studies. "What is it?", Jack asked. "It's Grayson. I still haven't told him about Sydney Uni yet.", I replied. 

"Mia, it's been 8 months, you have to tell him, you can't hide it from him forever, the truth will come out soon.", Jack replied. "Do you think I made a right choice to go to Sydney Uni instead of SCSU?", I asked. "It doesn't matter what I think Mia, the only thing that matters is what you want.", Jack smiled. 

"I just don't wanna disappoint him.", I sighed. "You won't, if you tell him, then he will understand and respect your choices. But please, Mia. Tell him now, sooner the better.", Jack sighed as he leaves to join Maria again, leaving me standing there, thinking, and in my mind, I have to tell Grayson. 

Later, my family and I left the house and went to the venue for the party,  all of our friends and families from France and Australia came to the party to celebrate. Grayson arrives with Margot and Araminta. I went to greet Grayson, who is amazed of my dress. "Whoa.", he cried. 

"You like it?", I asked. "Yes I do, you look beautiful.", Grayson sighed, as he kisses me. As Grayson went to greet my family, Margot and Araminta pull me to the side. "You still haven't told him?", Margot asked. "No, I need more time to think!", I cried. 

"Mia, it's been 8 months. We'll be graduation soon and you have to tell him now.", Araminta replied. "I will, tonight after the party.", I replied. "You better tell him!", Margot scoffed. "Margot!", Araminta called out, shook her head and taking Margot away from me. 

Grayson saw me standing there after Margot and Araminta left, he went to check on me. "Hey, what was that all about?", Grayson asked. "It's nothing, I'm ok.", I smiled. "You sure?", he asked. "Yeah, seriously I'm fine.", I replied. 

"Come on, let's get a drink.", Grayson replied, taking me to get a drink, before sitting down to enjoy a 3-course meal with our families and friends. 

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