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One month later, it was time for me to graduate high school. On Graduation Day, my family and I were getting ready for my graduation. Lyla and my grandmother, Gia helps me get ready, by doing my hair and make up. 

Courtney, Phillip and the twins arrive to join our family to watch me graduate, and so did Jack, Maria and Allegra. Katie and Josie even flew back home from Dallas to be with me on my Graduation Day, even my family from Australia flew in to see me. I couldn't be anymore happier than to have my whole family on my graduation.

We all drove to my school and I was getting ready to get onstage. I put on my graduation robe and hat, and I sat next to Grayson as we're about to be called onstage to get our graduation scrolls. 

Grayson, Margot, Araminta, TJ and Antonio's names were called out and then it was my time to be called up onstage. "Amelia Swann!", Mr Harrison called out, as everyone, including my family and friends cheered for me, as I walk up onstage to get my graduation scroll.

Grayson and my family couldn't be any happier and prouder than me. "Congratulations, Class of 2021!", Mr Harrison called out, as everyone cheered, and all the senior students toss their graduation hats up in the air, and so did I. 

Grayson and I share a kiss as everyone is embracing and cheering for each other, as we're now graduated. My family stood up from their seats and cheered for me. After Graduation, my family came up to my friends and I to congratulate us. 

Grayson's mother, Mary came up to congratulate Grayson. "I'm so proud of you, son.", Mary sighed. "Thanks, Mom.", Grayson sighed as they both hug each other. "Mrs Lee!", I cried. "Mia, congratulations.", Mary replied, giving me a hug. 

"Oh and this is for you, my darling.", Mary replied, giving me a beautiful bouquet of red roses. "Aww, thanks Mrs Lee.", I replied with a smile, taking the roses in my hands. "We are so proud of you, Mia.", Dad smiled. 

"Thanks, Dad and I love you guys so much.", I sighed. "We love you too, honey.", Mom smiled as all of my family form a group hug. "Come on, everyone. Let's go and celebrate!", Grayson cried, as everyone cheered, and we all left the school together. 

That night, my parents held a Graduation evening party for my friends and I. Everyone was having a great time and talking to others. I was sitting outside of the house, looking at the stars and Grayson found me sitting there, he came to join me by my side. 

"Hey.", Grayson greeted. I turn around and saw him from behind. "Hi.", I greeted back. Grayson sat next to me. "What are you thinking?", Grayson asked. "I don't know. I'm just thinking of what will it be like when I'm out of the country.", I replied. "Mia...", Grayson sighed. 

"Gray, I'm going to study writing for 4 years, while you'll be study for football coach for 2 years. Not only that, but I'll be studying college in Australia.", I replied. "Mia, at Homecoming. I promise you that we'll make things work for us and that I will always accept the decision for make.", Grayson replied. 

"We'll make it until you graduate from college.", Grayson sighed. I didn't say a word, but nod to him. He puts his arm around my shoulder and I rest my head on his. As I sat there, resting on his shoulder, I wonder to myself if Grayson and I will ever make it after college. 


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