Sydney, Here We Come

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The next day, my dad drove me to school, instead to Grayson. He dropped Lyla and I at the school, and my dad help me with my luggage. "Have a safe flight, Mia. Tell your Uncle Daniel that I said hi.", Dad smiled. "I will, and see next week.", I replied, and we hug goodbye before he drives off.

Lyla and I hug goodbye before she heads off to class, while I went to meet up with Grayson and our friends at the bus. As I arrive to the bus, I load my luggage in the bus  and went to look for Grayson, and eventually he found me first. 

"Mia!", he called out and I found him at last. We embrace as he pick me up in my arms. "I missed you!", Grayson replied, which made me giggle. "You're ready the trip?", he asked. "Yes and I can't wait to show you around and meet my relatives there.", I replied. 

"I can't wait to meet them.", Grayson replied, as we got onboard the bus and the bus took us to the airport and we all got onto our plane and it flew all the way to Sydney. After a 14 hour flight, the plane arrives to Sydney and we took another bus, which drove us to the hotel. 

The hotel that we stayed in is called Sofitel, which is in Darling Harbour at Sydney. The hotel is very beautiful and modern. Our teacher tell us who we share the room with. I was happy when my teacher place me with Margot and Araminta, while Grayson is placed with Antonio and TJ. 

When my friends and I got into our hotel room, is was big, beautiful and luxurious. The bathroom is beautiful and the view of our room is stunning. Margot, Araminta and I disgust who will share a bed and who will have their own. 

Margot and Araminta agrees to share a bed together, while I have my own. Margot and Araminta are jet-lacked from the flight and decided to take a nap. I receive a text from Grayson, who told me what Antonio and TJ are taking a nap, and asked me if I want to go out to the city. I said yes. 

I took a quick shower and change my clothes, before meeting up with Grayson at the hotel lobby. We took a taxi and I took Grayson around the city and showed around. We went shopping,   look at attractions, went to Luna Park, and took him to one of the best lookouts in North Sydney. 

That night, I decided to take Grayson to meet my relatives. Grayson wore a nice button-up shirt, because he wanted to make a good first impression for my family, and even bought a bottle of red wine for the occasion. We took a taxi to my cousins house and I knock on the door. 

My cousins, Hannah and Sarah open the door and they are so happy to see me. "Mia!", they cried, as they both hugged me. "Hey guys!", I replied. "We miss you.", Hannah sighed. "I miss you too.", I smiled, as I hug them tight. After I hug my cousins, they both look at Grayson. "Oh, girls. This is my boyfriend, Grayson. Gray, these are my cousins, Hannah and Sarah.", I greeted. 

My cousins greet Grayson with a smile. "Hi, nice to meet you.", Sarah smiled. "Nice to meet you, and thanks for having me over.", Grayson smiled. My cousins let us in. "Mum, Dad! Mia's here!", Hannah called out. My uncle Daniel and my aunt Amanda came out of the kitchen and I came to greet them. 

"Hey, Mia!", Daniel replied. "Uncle Daniel!", I replied as I hug him. "How's your flight?", Daniel asked. "Tiring, and my dad says hi.", I replied. "Thanks Mia, and tell him I said hi as well.", Daniel smiled, before he saw Grayson behind me. "Hi, and you are?", Daniel asked. "Uncle Daniel, this is my boyfriend, Grayson. Gray, this is my Uncle Daniel and my aunt Amanda.", I replied. 

"Hello, sir. It's nice to meet you.", Grayson replied. "Hi Grayson, it's nice to meet you as well, Mia has told us all about you. How are you enjoying Sydney?", Daniel asked. "It's great. I really enjoyed everything, you guys have the best city in Australia.", Grayson smiled. 

"I'm glad you're enjoying it, and thank you for coming over. Mia, why don't you show Grayson around the house, while Aunt Amanda and I get dinner ready?", Daniel asked. "Sure. Where's Mike?", I asked. 

"He's gone to pick up Olive, she's joining us.", Amanda smiled. "He'll be back soon, I'll call you when he's home.", Daniel smiled. "Ok, come on Gray.", I replied, as I took Grayson's hand and showed him around the house. 

Moments later, Mike and his girlfriend, Olive arrive to the house, and Daniel calls me downstairs. "Mia! Mike's here!", Daniel called out. Grayson and I came out from upstairs and we came down. Mike saw me coming down. "Hey, Mike!", I greeted. "Mia!", Mike smiled. I ran and give Mike a hug. 

"I miss you, Mike.", I sighed. "I miss you too. I'm glad to see you again.", Mike replied. "Oh Mike, this is my boyfriend, Grayson. Gray, this is my cousin, Mike and his girlfriend, Olive.", I smiled. Mike went to shake hands with Grayson while I greet Olive with a hug. 

"Hi, Grayson. It's nice to meet you, Mia has told me all about you.", Mike smiled. "Nice to meet you as well, Mike. I'm glad to be here to meet you and your family. Not going to lie, your family is nice as Mia's family.", Grayson smiled. "Thank you.", Mike smiled. Amanda then came out of the kitchen. 

"Okay guys, dinner's ready. So everybody, in the dining room please.", Amanda replied. I quickly grab Grayson's hand and lead him to the dining room. Amanda cook a delicious roast chicken with roast veggies and she serves the chicken roast and the roast veggies on the table as everyone is sat down and waiting. 

"It smells and looks really good, Mrs Swann.", Grayson smiled. "Thank you, Grayson and please call me Amanda.", Amanda smiled. "Ok, Amanda.", Grayson smiled. "Ok, let's eat!", Daniel replied, as we all started having dinner. 

Then, Daniel started to ask Grayson questions, just like how my dad asked him when Grayson first came over to my house for dinner with my family and I. "So Grayson, I heard that you and Mia fake-dated last year.", Daniel replied. Grayson is surprised when Daniel said it, I quickly tries to shush Daniel. 

"Uncle Daniel!", I cried with a whisper. "It's ok, Mia.", Grayson replied. "Yes, sir, we did fake-date. But how did you know?", Grayson asked. Everyone, including myself answered at the same time. "Lyla.", we all replied at the same time. "I see, Ly-Ly love to spill the beans.", Grayson smiled, as everyone laughed. 

After dinner and a wonderful conversation, it was time for Grayson and I to return back to the hotel. We said goodbye to my cousins and my aunt before Daniel drove us back to the hotel. We get drop off by the front entrance. 

"Thanks, Uncle Daniel.", I smiled. "You're welcome and Grayson enjoy the rest of your day in Sydney.", Daniel replied. "Thank you, sir.", Grayson smiled, before Daniel drove off and we both went inside the hotel, heading up to the elevators. 

We got in and head back to our own rooms. After a long day, I took a shower and went to sleep immediately. "What a long day.", I sighed before drifting off to sleep. 

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