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A week later, it was the Senior Homecoming and I'm very excited to go with my friends. Margot and Araminta decided not go to Homecoming with TJ and Antonio, so they could be with me on the night of Homecoming. TJ and Antonio decided to go with Grayson instead.

On the evening of Homecoming, Margot, Araminta and I get ready for Homecoming in my room, with a bit of help from Lyla. We turn on some music to play as we get ready for Homecoming. We help each other get our hairs and make-ups done, and even help us get into our dresses. 

After getting ready, my friends and I took my dad's sports car to Homecoming in school. As we arrived, we parked the car in the school parking lot, got out of the car and walk down the school hallways together, as everyone saw us walking down the hall and into the school gym, where Homecoming is held.

At Homecoming, everyone is enjoying themselves, hanging out with friends, enjoying some food and dancing. Grayson was there with TJ and Antonio. "Come on, Gray! You should be having fun!", TJ replied. "Guys, I should've stayed home, I'm not in a mood.", Grayson replied. 

"Gray, we know you're still not over Mia, but it's been 3 months since you guys broke up.", TJ sighed. "Yeah and don't forget, you're the one who broke up with Mia, remember?", Antonio replied. "Please don't remind me about that again, guys.", Grayson sighed with annoyance. 

"You have to let her go, dude. Come on, let us hook you up with a chick tonight.", TJ replied. "Thanks, but I'm not in a mood.", Grayson sighed. "Man, I need a drink.", Antonio sighed. "Same, I'll come with you.", TJ replied, as Antonio leaves, but TJ stop for a second. 

"Hey, you'll be alright on your own?", he asked. "I'll be fine, just go with Antonio.", Grayson sighed, before TJ leaves to find Antonio, leaving Grayson at the chocolate fountain. Grayson tries to enjoy himself at the chocolate fountain, when he hears guys wolf-whistling. 

He turn and his mouth drop upon what he just saw. It was Margot, Araminta and I, who made a grand entrance into Homecoming, I was walking in the middle, with Margot on my left and Araminta on my right. 

Margot wore a short black dress with diamonds, while Araminta wore a short sequin emerald green dress and I wore a sweetheart strapless short red dress, that looks similar to my white prom dress from last year's prom. Grayson is amazed how I look. 

"Wow.", he sighed to himself. I saw Grayson standing there, looking at me with dreamy eyes. My friends also saw him standing there too. "You should go talk to him.", Margot replied. I look at her and then at Araminta. "Ok.", I replied, as I walk up to Grayson. Margot and Araminta then left to find TJ and Antonio. 

"Hey.", Grayson sighed. "Hi.", I sighed with a smile. "You look beautiful.", Grayson sighed. "Thanks. You don't look bad yourself.", I smiled, which made us laugh. "Listen Mia, for the past 3 months has been really hard for me.", Grayson replied. "I know, me too.", I replied. 

"I just wanted to say...", Grayson replied, but as he could finish what was saying to me, our school principal, Mr Harrison came up onstage to announce the Homecoming King and Queen. "Good evening, everyone. It's time to announce this year's Homecoming King and Queen!", Mr Harrison replied, as everyone gather around the stage. 

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