Off to College

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1 month after graduating high school, I spend a lot of time with my family and friends before heading to Sydney Uni, and Grayson and I even went on a road trip to Utah together, where we fell in love, so we could spend time together one last time before heading to college.

The week before my departure for Australia, I started to pack all of my things from my room, in big luggages. My whole family, including Grayson gave me a helping hand with moving. A week later, it was time for me head to college in Australia.

On the day of my flight, my whole family are at my house to say goodbye, including Jack, Courtney, Phillip, Allegra and the twins. Katie and Josie even flew back to L.A. to say goodbye to me in person. Margot, Araminta and Grayson were there too.

My taxi cab arrives to the front door, and Grayson and the cab driver load all of my luggage into the trunk of the car, while I say my goodbyes to my family and friends. One by one, I say my sad goodbyes to them all. I say my goodbyes to Lyla first.

"I can't believe you're really leaving, I'm going to be all alone.", Lyla sighed. "Oh, Ly-Ly. You won't be alone. I promise that I'll video call you everyday. Call me whenever you need me.", I replied. I hug Lyla as she cries in my arms. "Goodbye, Mia.", Lyla sighed. "No, not goodbye. See you soon.", I smiled.

"We'll miss you, Mia.", Courtney replied. "I'll miss you too, Court. Please look after Lyla for me while I'm gone.", I sighed. "I will, don't worry about her.", Courtney sighed, as she hugs me. "See you later, Phil.", I smiled, as I hug my brother-in-law. "See you soon, Mia.", Phillip smiled.

I then say my goodbyes to the twins. "I'll see you two later.", I smiled, as the twins smile and both hug me. "I can't believe this is happening. You're no longer my little sister.", Jack smiled. I giggle at his words. "I'll always be your little sister, Jack, and your favourite.", I smiled, as we both laugh.

We then share an emotional hug. "I'm going to miss you.", I sighed. "I'm going to miss you too, Mia-Doll.", Jack sighed. "See you soon, sweetheart.", Maria replied, hugging me with one arm and holding Allegra in the other. I look at Allegra who was sleeping in Maria's arms.

"See you later, little one.", I replied, as I gently held her little hand. I then hug Katie and Josie. "Thanks for being here.", I sighed. "We don't want to say goodbye to you on the phone.", Katie sighed. "Good luck in Sydney, Mia.", Josie sighed.

My grandmother is emotional when it was time for her to say goodbye to me. "Don't cry, Nana.", I sighed, as I hug her. "Oh, ma petite fille. You are all grown up, and now going to college. I can't be anymore prouder.", Nana replied. "I'll call you everyday, Nana. I promise.", I cried.

I then say my goodbyes to Margot and Araminta. "This is it, guys.", I smiled. "Yeah, I can't believe we'll be separated in college." Margot replied. "But we'll always keep in touch no matter.", I replied. "Definitely.", Araminta smiled, as the three of us form a group hug together, one last time.

The last family members that I said goodbye to was my parents. "It's finally happening, our little girl has grown up and heading across the country.", Dad replied. "But I'll be back.", I replied. "Mia, you have been the most amazing and wonderful thing that happen to the both of us and we are so happy and proud of you, honey.", Mom sighed, as she held my face.

I then hug both of my parents. "I'm going to miss you.", I sighed. "We'll miss you too, honey. Call us when you touchdown in Sydney.", Mom sighed. "I will.", I sighed. "Tell your Uncle Daniel that I said hello.", Dad smiled. "I will, Dad.", I replied.

Grayson puts the last luggage in the back seat of the cab. "Ok, that's all.", Grayson replied, as the taxi cab gets into the cab. Lastly, I say my goodbyes to Grayson. "I can't believe I'm really going.", I replied. "I know, me too. But like I said, we'll always keep in touch no matter what, and we'll make it after college.", Grayson replied.

"I guess so.", I sighed, as tears came down from my face. Then Grayson remember something. "Oh, I almost forgot something!", Grayson replied, as he pulls out a box from his pocket, and gives it to me. I took the box and open it carefully.

Inside, it was a beautiful necklace with a red heart-shaped Murano glass pendant. I gasp with a sigh. "Gray, it's beautiful!", I cried. "I really want you to have something to remember me by.", Grayson replied. "You want me to put it on for you?", Grayson asked. "Yes, please.", I replied.

I gave the box him and turn around. Grayson takes off my locket and puts the necklace around my neck. I then turn around to show him. "It suits you.", Grayson sighed. "It's perfect. Thank you.", I sighed. Feeling bad for not getting Grayson something, I decided to give him a special gift.

"Then I want you to have this.", I replied, as I pulled my pink diary, and giving it to him. "Your diary?", he asked, as he opens it and look through the pages. "I wrote so many memories about our fake relationship in there, and I want you to read them, whenever you miss me.", I sighed. "Thanks, babe.", Grayson sighed, as a tear comes down from his cheek.

I then hug Grayson emotionally. "I love you.", I sighed. "I love you, too.", Grayson sighed, before we share one last kiss. "Ok, you two. It's time to go.", Dad replied. Grayson opens the door of back seat for me, and I sat inside.

Then I decided to make a deal with Grayson. "One more thing. Everyday, we'll write love letters to each other.", I replied. "Definitely, just like old times.", Grayson smiled, as he closes the door, and taps on the window twice to signal the cab driver to go. My taxi cab drives off my street, as I open the window and pop my head out.

I wave goodbye to my family and friends. "Goodbye, everyone!", I called out. "Goodbye, Mia!", everyone called out, as my cab drives off my street and to the airport. I then catch my flight to Sydney.

After a 14-hour flight, my plane finally landed in Sydney. I took some time to load all of my luggages into a luggage trolley. Outside the Sydney airport arrivals, my relatives are waiting for me outside upon arrival to pick me up.

As I exit out, my relatives was there and they called out for me. "Mia!", Daniel called out as he and my relatives waved their arms up to me. "Hey!", I cried, as I push my luggage trolley out. As I made it down the rail, I ran and hug my relatives. "Welcome back, Mia.", Hannah replied.

"It's so good to be back!", I replied. "Come on, let's get you home.", Amanda replied. I went to push my luggage trolley, but Mike appears. "Don't worry, Mia. I got it.", Mike smiled. "Thanks, Mike.", I smiled, as I join Hannah and Sarah, as we head to the car.

Meanwhile, Grayson packed all of his stuff into his new Jeep, even attaching his motorcycle onto the rear end of the Jeep, as he is ready to head to Yale. He said goodbye to Margot, Araminta and Mary before he drives off from his street.

As he drives, he looks at my diary, which was sitting on the passenger seat, next to him. He smiles and looks at the road, as he continues to drive off. Back in Sydney, I got into the passenger seat of the car, as my uncle Daniel drives us back home.

I look at the beautiful view of the city of Sydney outside the window and as we drove across the Sydney Harbour Bridge, I thought to myself, two young lovers, 9,000 miles apart and 2-4 years of college, what could go wrong...


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