Chapter 7.

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(A/N: Hey everyone, I'm back!!! Sorry this took so long, I just had to take a brake for a bit tp think up more on story plots for this book and the other two😅 Anyways! Here's another chapter for ya'll😁). 

Bella's POV.

As the brothers finished bowing, April had sat down in front of Splinter, facing him, while stayed standing. I had this feeling in my gut that I should stay standing, it's like my body is almost sensing what's coming, but what? April had asked why the brothers brought us here.

 "To find out who you two told of our existence." Replied Splinter. April answered back to Splinters reply

"Nobody believed us... except for Eric Sacks.." Answered April. At the mention of his name, I had gotten the weird feeling again in my multicolored eye, it started hurting again, but why is this happening?! Who's dangerous or near us?! Is Eric bad?! Well, I hope that Splinter will tell us what he really is, because I can see it in his face that he grimaced at the mention of Sacks' name.  

"Sacks..." As Splinter said that, he got up from his sitting down and walked over to where the brothers were standing. He continued , ".. Just as I feared. Sacks is.. not a friend. His soul has been prisoned by the influence of a dark master... The Shredder."

My eyes widened at the name, my multicolored eye hurting even more as I noticed it started to glow a bit. Snippets of memories flashed in my mind. Blood, screams of pain, someone shouting my name, my mother and fathers faces void of expression as they lay slain in their own pool of blood. 

As Splinter told about Sacks being raised by Shredder, the flashes of memories kept on increasing as tears started to form in my eyes, everyone's voices were almost like white noise. 

"....... I fear they will bring the fight to us." Was the last words I heard come from Splinter as that snapped me out of my memories. I turned to April as she pulled out the card that Sacks had given her.

"Oh no.." Both April and I whispered.  

Alarms went off, Donnie shouting there are people intruding, they're coming for us. 

My wings' blades showed as the spread a bit, ready for action. I grabbed to blades for both of my hands at the others were ready to be thrown. Everyone headed to the weapons room, Splinter and I were first in the room. I heard beeping through the wall and yanked Splinter away from the wall of weapons and yelled at the brothers in worry.

"NO! GUYS GET BACK!!" I cried. I used my wings to try and lock the bombs force from hurting them too much. 

The bomb went off and had knocked everyone back. I got the worst of it as a pole impaled my left shoulder. 

"Donnie!" Leo had yelled in worry for his brother.

(The first song from the vid up top can start playing here if you want).

I landed in between Leo and Donnie, my vision was fuzzy as I saw figures of soldiers poor in from the hole in the wall, carrying torches and guns. I heard Splinter growl in anger and went to fight four of Shredders soldiers.  

"Over Here!" 

"Neutralize them!"

Some of the soldiers ordered, while Leo, Donnie and I sat up. I sat in between them, unknown to me, they gave me worried and angry looks. Worried if I would be okay, angry that I was hurt because of the guys infiltrating the brothers and Splinters home. I ignored the pain and put all of my attention to the soldiers in front of us. I pulled out the small-ish pole from my shoulder and stood up with a wing blade in each hand. 

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