2. Stay with me

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"Another beer please!" Alex raised his finger to get the waitress's attention.

"Can I get another whiskey coke too, please?" I asked the waitress who worked at the bar and I turned to Alex who was already drinking his beer.

"It's nearly 8pm and we are drunk at a café. Is that normal?" I asked him, biting my bottom lip to stop myself from laughing but I was clearly failing as I started laughing loudly.

"If yer calling this 'drunk' then you clearly don't know meh love." Alex stated, grinning at me.

I smiled at him and turned to the woman who prepared my drink and muttered a 'thank you'. I quickly drank it and Alex chuckled.

"Thirsty" Alex said quietly with a smirk on his face continued by another chuckle.

"What?" I asked even though I heard what he said.

"I like you." He finally said after a minute of silence.

"You don't know me." I bit my bottom lip and rolled my eyes playfully.

"I want to, though." He said, without taking his eyes of me.

The song that was playing in the café slowly faded away as our eyes connected.

"Wanna dance?" He asked, but clearly he wasn't sober anymore. I could tell by his eyes that were sitting heavy on his face.

"We can't.. Not here at least." I smirked and I moved my gaze to the big window behind us and I started smiling.

"I hope you don't mean-"

"Yes. I do actually." I interrupted him and I grabbed his hand, making him stand up.

"Yer crazy love." He says as he payed the woman, our fingers still interlocked.

I leaded the way towards the door, outside it was still pouring and a smiled appeared on my face as I looked back at Alex who had a terrified face.

"Fuck it. Let's go." He said and opened the door.

The cold breeze suddenly hit my face and I felt the goosebumps that started to form all over my body. I turned my head to face Alex and I grinned like a child at him, as he did too. My hair and clothes were already soaking wet but I couldn't care less.

"Let's dance then." He smirked, suddenly grabbing my waist.

The goosebumps started to race as his left hand met my waist, but still, his right hand was still holding mine gently.

And so we did. We started dancing in the pouring rain. We were both drunk, and that was making everything funnier.

"Shit Rebecca, yer freezing love." He finally broke the silence between us and took off his leather jacket and placed it on my shoulders, and in that moment we realised that our hands were still interlocked and we both chuckled in embarrassment.

"Alex, it's okay. You are gonna get cold." I said quietly.

"I'm from Sheffield love, I think I can endure this." He said laughing.

"Well, thank you." I said smiling at him, gazing at his wet hair that was sitting like a mess, a beautiful mess, on his forehead and I automatically brushed with my fingers, pulling it back.

"Fank you love." He said smiling.

"Will I ever see you again?" I asked him as my smile faded away.

He glared at me, and he pulled his phone from his jeans pocket and handed it to me.

"Write yer number there, I would but I don't really know how." He says bitting his bottom lip.

After you -Alex Turner Where stories live. Discover now