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"Al?" Becca said. Alex looked up at her and widened his eyes. She was wearing the dress she wore when he proposed to her. Fuck, that was literally decades ago, Alex thought to himself.

"You are fucking breathtaking love." Alex exclaimed and kissed her.

"How is Clementine?" She asked as she walked over to the old record player and grabbed the Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino vinyl.

"She said that her belly is bigger than ever." Alex chuckled and she grinned. "I can't believe she's giving birth to her second child..."

"Remember when I was pregnant?" She asked smiling. "I can't believe that she's going to give birth soon...Remember when she was little, when she first went to school with Bonnie and Amelia, when you and the boys got dressed as princesses for them.." She giggled.

They were proud of their daughter. She's a gorgeous woman now, not the little baby they got used to. She looked exactly the same as Alex, the single difference was that she had long hair. She started modelling at twenty with Bonnie and Amelia. Now she has a husband and in a few weeks she will have two kids.


"Dad?" Cleo asked and Alex removed his glasses and looked up at her.

"Yes darling?"

"Katherine told me that my shirt was ugly today at school." Cleo said and Alex widened my eyes.

"What? Why? Come here baby." Alex said and pulled her into a hug.

"Oh but I don't care, I told her that her face was more ugly." Cleo said and Alex started laughing. "Don't tell mommy though.." She chuckled.

"Jesus Cleo, you're in your second grade. But I'm proud of you, she deserved it." Alex said laughing.


"This song is beautiful." Cleo grinned. Alex couldn't believed that she was sixteen. She grew up, and she was gorgeous like her mother.

"Why are you using my old guitar? You can use the new one." Alex said and sat down on the sofa next to her.

"I just like it." She shrugged. "I'm going to Amelia's later by the way, Bon is coming too." She informed Alex as she started playing No. 1 Party Anthem. "I simply can't understand how do you love mom so much. After all these years." She said and Alex grinned.

He loves Becca more than anything. Even if it's been years, his feelings were intact. In fact, he kept falling in love with her every single day.

"She stole my heart since the first time I saw her." Alex chuckled and wrapped a hand around Cleo's shoulders. "I sang this song to grandma Mol and Remus after we got back together." Alex said and Cleo widened her eyes.

"What are you two talking about?" Becca asked from the kitchen and she quickly threw herself on the sofa and pecked Alex's lips.


"I don't care mom! Just leave me alone!" Clementine shouted. "You two are the most horrible parents!"

"You are fucking eighteen, stop acting like this!" Becca shouted back and Cleo quickly closed the door of her bedroom right in front of Becca. "If this is what you want fine then!"

She walked downstairs and sat down on the sofa next to Alex. She placed her hands around his neck and started crying. Alex held her tight and stroked her back.

"She hates me Al." She sobbed against Alex's neck. He absolutely hated whenever she cried. It was absolutely breaking his heart.

"She doesn't hate you baby. Please stop crying baby, please." Alex begged.

End of the flashbacks...

"Why are you dressed like this baby?" Alex asked her smiling.

Becca played Golden Trunks and turned around to look at Alex. She silvered her hands around his neck and Alex around her waist. They swayed around, giggling.

Alex stared at the woman who stole his heart almost fifty years ago.

He loved the small grey strands of her hair, the small wrinkles. He loved her. Her and her only.

His heart belonged only to Becca, even after all this time.

Becca stared at him carefully, his fluffy brown hair started to turn grey and you could seen that he was old. But she didn't cared. She loved him unconditionally.

Her heart belonged to Alex.

"I can't believe it's been fucking forty years since we got married." Alex whispered and Becca giggled.

That giggle that absolutely killed Alex. The giggle he fell in love with.

"And I still love you the same." Becca grinned.

"And in response to what you whispered in my ear
I must admit, sometimes
I fantasize about you too"

Alex's voice filled the room as they were dancing in the living room. Alex was sad that they stopped making music. They decided to stop because they were too old for this. The Monkeys released two more albums before they announced that they are leaving the the music industry.

Becca stopped releasing songs as well, twenty years ago. She started painting again, she even had an whole exhibition just for herself.

"You know that I still fantasise about you?" Becca whispered in Alex's ear, making him chuckle.

"You know that yer still the sexiest woman?" Alex asked. Becca thought it was a joke but Alex was serious. She was gorgeous. Whenever Alex looked at her, he just saw the woman that he loves. He didn't care about her appearance. But truth to be told, she was indeed so beautiful.

"Of course." Becca chuckled and pecked Alex's lips. "I'm old Al, I'm not young and beautiful anymore."

But in fact, she lied. She loved herself. She considered herself beautiful. Only because Alex loved her.

"Do I care? Absolutely not. You're still the woman I love. The woman I absolutely fucking adore." Alex grinned and kissed her again.

The song stopped and they both looked at each other. None of them wanted to pull away just to play another song. After they sat in a comfortable silence for a while, they both walked to the record player at the same time and they started laughing. It's ironic really, but they both said the same thing after they stopped laughing.

"After you."

After you -Alex Turner Where stories live. Discover now