35. Do I Wanna Know?

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A/n: This chapter contains mature content😋(kinda)

The week went in a blink, it was already the last day of September. Everybody still slept at mine and they had to leave on 2 October back to LA. I really considered going with them but I haven't actually spoke to Alex about our relationship since we talked on the balcony. He still slept in my bed, but we never brought the subject up.

"Becca, Alex, are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Kelly asked and we bot shook our heads

"No, no! I mean I don't know about Alex but I don't want to go to a watch a movie in the park. That was literally created for couples." I joked and leaned on the door frame as everyone was putting on their coats.

"And it's raining!" I laughed

"We are staying in the car oh my God" Matt groaned

"We are going to a restaurant too. And a pub after" Breana almost begged

"I'm still not coming" I chuckled

"Mm.. Same" Alex nodded looking at me

"Y'all boring" Nick groaned and left the apartment and quickly everybody followed him

"Have fun!" I exclaimed and Katie grinned at me waving

I closed the door and spun around to look at Alex. He changed his hairstyle a bit but it suited him. He was absolutely gorgeous.

"So what are we doing then?" Alex asked me and I shrugged

"I may have a idea" I nodded and walked to my living room, Alex following me like a puppy

I walked over to the record player and Alex looked at me confused. I took it and walked to my bedroom. I placed it on the TV stand and looked back at Alex.

"I am ready" I nodded and took the AM vinyl from my desk

"I.. Emm" Alex mumbled

I took the vinyl in my hands and flipped it over to see the songs names. I actually never seen them. I widened my eyes instantly.

"You literally wrote this album for me?" I asked shocked

"I already told you when you were on the phone with Katie" Alex said quietly

"I thought you said it because you were drunk.. I.." I mumbled and started walking around my room

"Alex.. When's the last time you.."

"With you" Alex whispered and I looked at him over my shoulder


I took a deep breath and placed the vinyl in the record player. The first song started playing and it was called Do I wanna know?

"I like this one" I hummed and sat down on the bed next to Alex

I listened to every lyric carefully but I still had to look in the notebook because I didn't understood some parts.

"I wanna be your vacuum cleaner
Breathing in your dust
I wanna be your Ford Cortina
I will never rust
If you like your coffee hot
Let me be your coffee pot
You call the shots, babe
I just wanna be yours"

Alex's voice filled the quiet room, along with the rain outside.

"I wanna be your setting lotion
Hold your hair in deep devotion
At least as deep as the Pacific Ocean
Now I wanna be yours"

After you -Alex Turner Where stories live. Discover now