54. Fairytale

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A/n: Rebecca's dress^

After the tour finished, and after Brea and Matt got married in Rome, me and the girls went to look after dresses for my wedding.

My wedding.

That sounds weird, especially when I'm getting married to Alex Turner.

"No Becca! This dress is ugly!" Breana exclaimed and I giggled. She was right, it was a hideous dress.

"Okay, okay! I'll try that one!" I said laughing and grabbed another dress.

After I got dressed the girls widened their eyes and I furrowed my eyebrows. I walked over to the mirror and I looked at myself.

"Fucking God!" Katie exclaimed and Breana covered her mouth with her hands.

"This is the one!" Kelly grinned and I smiled, looking down at the dress I was currently wearing.

"I love it." I said quietly and turned around to look at my girls. "Can you take a picture? I want to send it to my mom and to Penny."

Kelly took a photo of me and the girls, knowing that my mom and Penny absolutely loved them.

"Well, definitely this is the one," I grinned. "About your dresses, those crepe pink dresses were absolutely gorgeous."

"Thank God!" Breana joked and I chuckled.

"I wonder what are the boys doing.." I giggled.

"We should call them." Katie suggested. "But first, take off your dress B."

I nodded and took off my dress, and put on a robe. Katie called Jamie on FaceTime and he answered pretty quickly.

"What's up love?" Jamie slurred and Katie groaned.

"It's 5pm and you are drunk? God!" Katie groaned and I chuckled.

"Katerina it's not James's fault, I insisted to-" A voice laughed, a voice I absolutely loved. He stopped when he burped and I started laughing. "Oop, sorry 'bout that Katerina."

"My name is not Katerina! Alexander I swear to God I'll come and kick your ass! What if I'll call you-"

"You can call me anything you want!" Alex sang and me and Breana started laughing uncontrollably. "Is Becca there?"

"Oh no, we basically came here for her but she's not here." Katie nodded.

"Oh, I thought she was there with you. My bad." Alex mumbled and I giggled. This man was hilarious whenever he was drunk. Katie handed me the phone and I smiled looking down at the screen.

"Guess what, I magically appeared here." I giggled and Alex widened his eyes.

"I fuckin' told you Yellamo! She has magic powers!" Alex exclaimed and me and the girls started laughing. "How are you baby?"

"I'm good," I nodded. "Weren't you four supposed to be looking for suits?" I chuckled and Jamie widened his eyes.

"We already finished love." Alex said and I nodded.

"Fine then, I'll see you later," I said smiling and Alex blew a kiss towards the phone. I hang up and started laughing again.

"They are wasted!" Kelly groaned and I nodded laughing.

"I still can't believe that you and Jamie are going to have a baby." I grinned and stroked Katie's hair.

"It was pretty unexpected but we are happy." Katie nodded grinning.

After you -Alex Turner Where stories live. Discover now