11. I wanna be yours

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A/n: That's Alex's gift(kind of) 😏  You'll see what I mean😏😏(and probably cry😳😳)

song for this chapter: The night we met- Lord Huron.

It was finally 22 November who meant it was Thanksgiving. I got my hair, makeup and nails done. I put on the tight black dress I bought last week and black heels.

I was so excited to recieve my gift and at the same time I was so excited to give Breana my gift. It was a picture of me and her from the night we met in a frame. we were blowing kisses at eachother.

She never saw the picture so I decided it was the best gift I could give her

And truth to be told, I really wanted to see who picked me

I grabbed the cookies I made for the dinner and Breana's gift and got in my car and drived to Alex's house

After a 15 minute drive I finally arrived and parked my car in front of his house

I took the cookies I made and Bre's gift and walked over his front door and I knocked biting my lip

Alex quickly opened the door and his mouth opened but no words came

"Happy friendsgiving" I smiled and he was still stuck in his spot

I giggled and he blinked a few times and nodded staring at him. He was dressed with a white shirt, and of course it was unbuttoned, his collar popped as always, some black jeans and his Chelsea boots.

And his hair.. His fucking hair that makes me go crazy. All gelled back and a little quiff on his forehead

"You look... Oh ma God .. I don't even know a word that would fit" Alex sluttered and I chuckled
"come 'ere love" He smiled as he hugged me

I walked inside his house and the only noise you could hear were my heels clicking the floor, totally boosting my confidence

"Uhh..Breana and Katie are in me kitchen, preparing the food" Alex said and I nod

"Uhh come 'ere, leave your gift here" Alex said as he pointed to a chair

I smiled and walked over it, leaving my bag and gift on the chair

"You look amazing Alex" I bit my lip and he scratched his back of the head

"Fank you love" He giggled and I walked to the kitchen

"You are heree" Breana and Katie both exclaimed as the same time

I smiled and hugged them both

"I didn't knew you two were preparing the food. Why didn't you told me?" I asked while I put my hands on my hips

"First of all, Al-"

"Shh Kat! Umm.. We ... We came earlier by .. By mistake" Breana nodded and looked back at Katie

"Sure.." I giggled and nodded slightly

"Did I told you how good you look in this dress? I wonder how Alex isn't drooling " Breana giggled

"Stop it you" I chuckled
"You both look amazing" I nodded and they smiled

"Where are Jamie and Matt?" I asked and they both shrugged

"Probably helpin-"

"They went to buy.. Uh ice" Katie interrupted Breana as she smacked gently her arm

After you -Alex Turner Where stories live. Discover now