17. I trust you

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"Please call me when you get back home safe" I said as I leaned over the open window and kissed Alex who was already in his car

"You know I will" Alex chuckled

"Bye" I grinned and pecked his lips again

"What was that for?" Alex asked smiling

"One for the road" I nodded grinning and walk over my house

I waved him and watched his car vanishing on the street

I get back in my house and throw myself on the couch smiling

"You've fallen in love with him, haven't you?" My mom asked making me turn around to face her

I bit my bottom lip smiling and started to nod

"I thought he was just some lover, but I saw how is he looking at you" My mom grinned and pulled me in a hug

"Mom, I'm going with Al in England for Christmas" I say as I pulled away from the hug

"What?" My mom asked shocked


"I'm just kidding sweetie" My mom chuckled and I sighed in relief

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I was staring at the ceiling laying on my bed, waiting Alex to call me and I quickly grabbed my phone when I heard I received a message

From: Alex❤️

I got back home my love :*

I smiled to myself and I decided to reply

To: Alex❤️

I'm already missing u :(

From: Alex❤️

Ever thought of calling, darling?

To: Alex❤️

jokes on you, I'm going out to look for presents:)

From: Alex❤️

can I join you?;)

To: Alex❤️

Get lost;)

I love you loser, talk to u soon❤️

I closed my phone and I noticed I was grinning the whole time

I went downstairs and picked my car keys, sunglasses and a leather jacket from the rack

I drove to the mall and I cussed at myself when I parked my car because I had no idea what to give Alex for Christmas

I locked my car and walked inside the mall, my sunglasses still on, and that's probably because of Alex

I walked for a while until I saw behind the glass from a store a leather jacket that Alex showed me once and told me he wanted it so badly

I smiled and went inside without hesitation, quickly buying it

"Rebecca?" A man called behind me and I turned around, removing my sunglasses

"Nate? Oh my God" I exclaimed and hugged him

"It's been a while.." Nate chuckled
"You look amazing by the way" He nodded and I giggled

"Thank you" I smiled

"Wanna drink a coffee or something?" Nate asked and I nodded

"Yeah, of course" I nodded and he smiled

After you -Alex Turner Where stories live. Discover now