Chapter One

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Camri Point Of View :

Hi , im Camri Woods and im 10 years old in fifth grade . I live in Detroit,Michigan but im attending a school in Westland,Michigan because mom thinks its a better for me . I have to wear uniform unfortunately .I developed early , if you know what I mean . Anyways , im in the car with mom right now on my way to school . Its my first day . We made a stop at Mc.Donalds so I knew we werent far from my new school . Mom only makes stop when she knows we'll have enough time for it . Since I knew we were close I prepared myself for the worst . Kids are mean now a days . I thought about what i'd say when I first walked in the class . I also thought about what the other kida would think of me . Would I make any friends? Would I be lonely like the ugly duckling? My thoughts were soon interuptted by my mom handing me my food .

"Here you go Camri , try to eat a little fast were almost there" My mom said .

"Ok . Thanks mom" I replied going back to my thoughts while eating .

I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled ." Your beautiful , everyone is ." My grandma used to tell me that before she passed . I miss her so much . She also used to tell me that as long as im content with my self , no one else's opinion's matter . We arrived at my school five minutes later . My mom dropped me off at the front of the school . I got out and grabbed my back pack . I walked to her side of the car and kissed her cheek .

"Are you sure you dont need me to walk you to class hun?" She asked .

I didnt want my new classmates to think I was a baby .

"No mom . I got it . I love you , bye ." I said walking into the school .

I walked to the front office and saw something , well should I say somebody that caught my eyes . It was a boy about my age sitting in a chair with his feet on the beautiful coffee table . He was so handsome . I couldnt keep my eyes off him . But I didnt want him to think I was creepy , so I turned the other way . I walked up to the front desk and saw a pretty lady on the phone . I stood there for about five minutes to see her STILL on the phone .

"You might as well sit ." Said the boy with his feet on the coffee table .

"Excuse me?" I said .

"She's trying to call my mom at work . She's gonna be a while , so you might as well sit ." He said .

"Ok. Thanks." I said while sitting down in the only chair , which was EXACTLY next to him . How convient .

"So whats ya name ? Im Hakeem" he spoke .

"Im Camri . Nice to meet you Hakeem" I said .

"Interesting name . I'll call you Cam Cam" Hakeem said .

"I prefer Camri" I said sternly .

"Well , I dont . Cam Cam" he said smirking .

"Whatever" I said rolling my eyes .

Just then the lady at the front desk approached us both .

"Hi , im Ms.Walker . You must be Camri?" Ms.Walker said.

"Yes , thats me." I said .

"Well you'll be in Mrs.Browns class Camri." Said Ms.Walker .

"Im in that class!" Hakeem spoke.

Why , god why?!

"Yeah , you are Hakeem . How about this , If you take Camri to class I'll let you off the hook for throwing chalk dusk in Aaliyah's face ." Ms.Walker said .

"Ok! Come on Cam Cam" Hakeem said happily .

"I said I prefer Camri" I said .

"I said I prefer Cam Cam" he aaid smirking while grabbing my hand and dragging me to class .

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