Chapter Four

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Camri Point Of View :

I ran out of the basketball court and ran to the playground . I sat in the swings and swung back and forth . I sat and thought about alot things . One was Hakeem . I've known him for about 6 hours and he's already on my mind . Its weird because he's all im thinking about . I never thought i'd fall for his type . He's cute but he's an soon-to-be-drop out . I imagine myself going to UCLA or Harvard . Why am I thinking about him . My thoughts were interrupted by some boy sitting on on the swing next to mine .

"Wassup?" The boy asked .

"The sky." I replied dryly .

"Haha , you funny girl . Lemme get your number tho" He said .

"I'll pass" I said .

"I wont . Give me your number" He said walking towards me .

"She said no nigga ,back the fuck up" Said Haleem .

He saved me . Thank god .

"Nigga , who the fuck is you" The boy said approaching Hakeem.

Oh god . Everybody got in a circle around us then .

"Yo long lost daddy , bitch" Hakeem replied .

Everybody , including me laughed .

"You wont say that shit to my face tho" The boy said .

"Okayy , Hakeem lets go ." I said grabbing his arm .

"Yeah , you better let yo bitch take you home" The boy said .

Im tired of boys calling me bitch . Thats not my name . I walked back to the crowd and got in his face .

"Nigga , shut the fuck up . I aint no fucking bitch . But I can show you one if you disrespect me again . Im not a regular girl . You see what I got on , i'll beat yo black ass til you bleed . You funny though , cause im a bitch now but five minutes ago you was begging for my number? Nigga , if anything your the bitch . I dont know why your parents even reproduced to have yo dusty ass . I bet yo momma wanted an abortion but it was to late . You un-wanted ass hoe" I said balling up my fists .

The while crowd went crazy .

"Bitch suck my d-" The boy got caught off by Hakeem upper cutting him .

"Dont EVER disrespect her again with yo bitch ass" Hakeem said before dragging me away .

He was so mad . He was dragging me someplace , the whole way there it was quiet .

"So um..where are we going?" I asked .

"My hiding spot" He replied while pulling me into the woods .

He took me deep into the woods where we approached a little tree house . He dragged me inside of it and we sat down .

"This where I come when im mad." He confessed .

"Im sorry I got you into this mess" I said .

"Its alright . He shouldnt have called you a bitch . Thats one thing I dont do" He said .

I bear hugged him .

"Well thanks ." I said smiling .

"You gotta promise me something Cam" He said seriously .

"What?" I asked .

"Promise that you'll never show this to anyone . You and me are the only one's who know this is here." He said .

"I promise ." I said .

"Okay , so what do you wanna do?" He asked .

"I dont know . What do you do when your with a girl?" I asked .

He smirked .

"Nevermind . Lets just talk" I suggested .


Hakeem Point Of View :

"Nevermind . Lets just talk" Camri suggested .

Yes! Now I can cuff her sexy ass .

"Soo single Cam?" I asked .

"Yeah , you?" She asked .

"Yes , but not for long" I said sitting so close to her we looked like we were connected .

"Aww , who you got your eye on?" She asked facing me .

"You." I said facing her . We were now face-to-face . Seriously our noses were touching .

"You've only known me half a day" She said .

"Love at first sight babe" I said .

"Who said I was your babe?" She said .

"You will about five seconds" I said smirking .

"I dont think so . Now come on , take me home" She said standing up .

"You gotta let me put my arm around you the whole way though" I said .

"Yeah yeah whatever . Less talking , more walking .

We walked the entire way home with my arm around her neck . When we got home it was about 6:00pm and we left at 3:00pm .

"Thanks for ..uh.. ya know ..everything" She said .

"No problem . But wheres my hug?" I said opening my arms .

She smiled and came and hugged me for like 3 minutes straight .

"So you gone use that number I gave you?" I asked .

She looked up , me still hugging her .

"I'll think about it" She replied .

"Well think hard" I said and I walked in my house and went straight to my room .

My mom was at work , as usual . Im an only child so im alone alot . I aint complaining though . I made myself a sandwhich and I got bored so I went to my backyard to play basketball . I took off my shirt and just played in my shorts . I made a couple shots . I turned around to go back in my house when I saw Camri standing there .

"You know we never got to play that game ." I said .

"Wanna play now ?" She asked .

"One sec , I gotta get something . Come on ." I said and I took her into my house .

"Why am I in here?" She asked .

"I need my shirt , I dont wanna distract you" I said .

"You aint all that ,Hakeem" She said .

"Yeah ..okay" I said.

"I bet im gonna win" She said .

"I doubt" I said .

"Haha funny . Look , if I loose i'll give you my number . If I win you have to be good at school for a week" She said.

"Deal . But what if you try to cheat?" I said .

"Give me some paper" She said .

I handed her a paper and pen . Then she wrote her number down on it .

"If I loose it'ill be right here in your house . We cant come in here until the game is over . Agreed?" She said .

"Deal" I said .

We walked outside and played for five minutes when her phone started ringing .

"Hello?" "You are?!!" "Okay , bye"

She hung up her phone .

"My mom is on the corner I have to go!" She said as she ran to her house .

'What about our game?' I thought .

I walked in the house and I instantly remebered that her number is on my bed . I ran to my room an saw something amazing . No gay shit . But i started smiling .

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