Chapter Three

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Camri Point Of View :

So im in my new class . I finally got situated . Ms.Browns is nice and I made a few friends but people keep staring at me . Hakeem follows me everywhere , and girls keep grimming me . Whatever . I need to pay attention to Ms.Browns .

"Now class , we will be working on a partner project . Basically I want you to get to know your partner and do a collage on them . You may pick your partners . We will work on this everyday for one week . Pick your partners and get started . Oh , and Camri , I need to speak to you" Ms.Browns said .

I walked to her desk .

"You wanted to speak to me?" I asked.

"Yes Camri . I want you to work with Hakeem on this project ." She said .

"WHAT! WHY?" I asked .

"Because , your the only person he gets along with . I heard you convince him to stop swearing earlier . Your making a difference in him and you've only been here 3 and a half hours . Please work with him. I'll give you extra credit." Ms.Browns said .

"Fine" I said walking away .

I cant believe im making a difference in someone like Hakeem . I walked over to him and his "crew" .

"Haleem we're partners and we need to work on this project" I said .

"Not now Cam Cam , im with my niggas" Hakeem said .

"Hakeem , we need to work ..NOW!" I yelled .

"Aye bro , I think shawty mad" Said Anthony , one of the boys in his "crew".

Im fed up now . They about to see a different side of me .

"NIGGA , my name aint 'Shawty'. Its Camri , learn that shit . Now Hakeem , I know I said we have to work . If I get a bad grade i will beat the living FUCK out of you . Now take yo lil wanna-be thug ASS to your seat so we can work on this DAMN project ." I said

His crew (Himself , Anthony , & Mark) hung there , with their mouthes wide open .

"Chop chop nigga , I need to work ." I said smirking .

He walked to his desk and sat down , still in a trance .

"Soo , what the fuck was that?" He asked .

"What do you mean?" I said playing the innocent role .

"You told me not to cuss but you just cussed me out ." He replied .

"Look , grades are important to me . So anybody interfering with my perfect grades will get beat the fuck up . So lets work." I said .

"I guess . So what we doing?" He asked .

" I gotta learn about you , and you learn about me and then we make a collage about eachother." I explained .

"Ok i'll start with the questioning." He said getting a notebook .

"Ok" I replied .

"Birthday?" He asked .

"4/23/2000" I replied .

"Favorite color?" He asked .

" Baby blue" I replied .

"Favorite spor- , never mind . You dont play sports . Your a girl ." He said.

"Basketball ." I said .

"You dont play Basketball?" He said looking up .

"I was captain of my team" I said smirking .

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