A thirteen-year-old Kya walked aimlessly around Air Temple Island, If her father, or her mother for that matter found her she knew she'd be in deep trouble. An unsettling breeze slapped against her bare skin. It would have been a good idea to change into long sleeves but she didn't think about it at the time.She wasn't even sure what she was planning on doing. There was no one at home she felt like she could talk to, no one that would accept her. Maybe her father, but even then, they wouldn't understand. The only person she could tell was Lin- in theory. She might have been able to tell the young Earthbender that she liked girls. Maybe, if it weren't for the fact that she liked Lin.
So instead, she came out all this way, out to the edge of the island where the sandy beach met the water. She let her bare feet sink into the damp sand and welcomed the cool water that came rushing over her ankles. The water glimmered in a peculiar way and when Kya looked up she realized it was a full moon.
"My uncle told me about you." Kya said, looking up at the moon above.
Other than the waves crashing on the shoreline, or the occasional call of a seagull it was completely silent.
"Your name's Yue. My name's Kya, I never got to meet you, Sokka talks about you alot."
Suddenly, the tide became less brash, slowing to a small rolling current. As if the moon spirit herself seemed to be listening. Kya smiled, and raised her hand up to wave at the moon. A little unsure if the gesture was a silly one or not, but she was already here talking to the moon, or quite possibly, no one at all.
"He told me that you died young. You sacrificed yourself for our Nation. For the world. I wish I was that brave."
If she could just tell Lin maybe she would feel the same. Or maybe she wouldn't. Perhaps it would feel good to get it all out in the open regardless of the Earthbender's feelings about the matter. On the other hand, if the Metalbender didn't feel the same she couldn't imagine what it could do to their friendship.
"Were you in love with him?"
A few moments followed, nothing. Kya wasn't sure what she expected. Even being the Avatar's child had some limits, and she was by no means the spiritual child. But then, the water that had struggled to reach her feet moments ago was pushed up a couple feet ahead of her. She was talking to not only the moon, but Princess Yue herself.
"I think I love her, Lin. I don't know if you've met her. She's the greatest. She's stubborn and hotheaded, and beautiful. But she's also my best friend."
"I have met her before. She's a very sweet girl, much like you."
The voice startled Kya, so much so that she closed her eyes and nearly fell back into the water.
"Don't be afraid. I just want to talk, although I'm afraid we don't have much time."
Kya peeked through her covered face, her eyes straining at the new source of light emanating from the figure in front of her. "You're... You can?"
"No. Not usually. The full moon enhances my abilities, and even then- I can't stay like this long." she said.
Kya couldn't help but stare. She was mesmerized by everything about the girl in front of her, her white hair, gleaming blue eyes, the intriguing transparency. It took her a minute to remember that she wasn't talking to a human, but a spirit.
"What do I do?" Kya asked.
"Tell her. Everything will be okay. I promise."
"I'm scared." the Waterbender admitted, a tear welling up in her eye. "What if she doesn't like me that way."
"I think you're mistaken. I'm the moon spirit darling. You're not the only one who talks to me at night."
Just as Kya was about to say something more. Anything to clear up what the Northern Water Tribe princess had said she heard the sound of brush in the distance. Followed by what sounded like her uncle calling her name.
"Kya!" He called, and then again after a couple moments more.
"Tell her. It doesn't have to be now, but tell her before it's too late. I have to go." She said, placing a soft kiss on Kya's forehead. "Say hello to Sokka for me alright?"
All she could do was nod. Once, twice, maybe a dozen times and watch her dissolve into thin air.
"Kya? What are you doing over here kiddo?" Sokka yelled, walking over and turning her around by the shoulders.
Kya turned to face her uncle. Tears running down here eyes, she wasn't even sure if what happened was real or not. Could it have been simply a figment of her imagination? It was an awfully hard story to believe, but it wouldn't have been Yue's first time helping one of Sokka's close ones in their time of need.
"Are you okay?"
Kya shuttered, trying to find the words to explain what happened. There weren't any; not to explain the encounter, or why she had been outside in the first place.
"No... Yeah, Yeah. I'm fine."
"We should get you back home. Your mom is not happy."
"It's a full moon." Kya pointed out. "Yue. Do you ever miss her?"
"Of course. I miss her all the time. Why do you ask?"
"I think she misses you too." Kya said. "Can we go to Aunt Toph's tomorrow? Or have them come here?"
"I don't see why not. What's up with you? Is something wrong?" Sokka chuckled as they headed back to the house.
"Nothing. Absolutely nothing." Kya sighed. "Let's go home."

Kyalin Oneshots
Fiksi PenggemarJust little Kyalin ideas I come up with. Some chapters will contain smut, some fluff.