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I'm back!! Did you all miss me? Now I really did not think I would ever start writing this again but here we are! Also how are you guys feeling about the new era?

"Alrighty that should be all of the boxes, thanks again guys" I say setting down the last of my stuff. Debby, Jenna,Tyler, Josh and I have been moving my stuff into my apartment all day. It's not like I have a lot of stuff but Jenna wanted my apartment to feel like home so she bought a lot for it.

"You're welcome crystal, Tyler and I have to go finish up some stuff at the studio, we will be back later thought for a little party of you want"

I nod as Tyler and Josh head out of the room. Jenna Debby and I began to unpack my belongings.

"Oh this is so exciting Crystal! You will love this place once it is all decorated!" Debby said opening up a box that was labeled "kitchen supplies". She lifted the box and made her way into the kitchen.

The thought of living in my own excited me yet scared me. Sure I was old enough to handle all the responsibilities but I feared that my mental state could ruin this experience. If Jenna and Tyler trust me I should be fine, right?

After a long period of staring at a box labeled, "bed room" I lifted it and started to make my way into the space that would soon become the bedroom.

Hours past as we finished getting everything in place, my studio was set up in one of the rooms. Lights lined the wall as well as posters and pictures of accomplishments over the years. My bedroom was simple, yet complemented my personality well. Jenna picked out black and white bedding with mandalas on it, and black curtains to go along with it. I had a small desk in the corner of the room. I quite liked everything.

"Okay crystal I believe everything is finished, it looks amazing!!" Jenna said, coming up to hug me.

I checked the time on my phone, 7:30 pm

"Crystal, Debby and I were going to grab some food since we haven't eaten all day, the boys were gonna meet us there as well, do you want to join?"

"That would be wonderful" I stated. I grabbed my keys and my phone and we headed out the door.

Debby and Jenna offered to drive me but I declined. Silence was something I needed this very minute. I wasn't use to being with people all day like this. Normally I would be scared of the silence, because that's when I think the most but tonight felt a little different.

Or so I thought

Making my way down the streets of Columbus I turned on some music that would keep me company, the only company I really wanted.

Ooh sounds so fun living on your own right?

I stop at a red light and sigh in disbelief.

"This is not the time for this, I'm busy driving and don't want to get into a crash"

Keep telling yourself that, that's what you want to believe. Stop lying to yourself crystal, you are just as broken as you were when you were 16. Nothing can ever change that.

As the light turned green I began to ignore the voice that was taunting me. I turn up my music louder hoping to drown the negative thoughts out.

A few minutes past and I make it to the restaurant. I quickly park and make my way into the establishment. I did not take long for me to find Tyler and josh sitting with Debby and Jenna.

"Hey! Sorry it's took so long, traffic was bad" I say as I sit down at the table. Tyler picked a sushi restaurant to go to, and damn do I love sushi.

"Oh that's okay Crystal, we were just about to order, I'm assuming you know what you want?" Tyler says taking a sip of water.

I nod and I place my order.

Dinner went smoothly for the majority of the time. We ate and talked about an array of things. Still that stupid voice was in the back of my head.



I ignored what I was hearing.

You are a nobody.

"Crystal are you okay?" Tyler said concerned.

I snapped out of the daze I was in and look up to see Tyler, Josh, Jenna and Debby all looking at me. I smile for reassurance.

We pay for our meal and head out.

I really just want this to end

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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Don't believe the hype~ sequel to We're broken people Where stories live. Discover now