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The ride back to my home was horrendous. The tweets I just recently saw were in the back of my head, not leaving me alone. I still don't know why this was bothering me as much as it did. It's not like anything really did happen. Just questions that really bothered me.

You have everything, why did you try to kill yourself.

I made it to a stop light and froze as I heard those thoughts flood my head. A familiar voice, instead of my own repeating what I saw. A voice I thought I left behind 3 years ago. I thought they were gone.

I guess I was stopped forever because a car started to honk at me, signalizing that I should go.

I smirked and started talking aloud, "so you're back huh you little shit?"

More or less, you could say that though.

I havent been this angry is such a long time.

But I guess it doesn't take long for me to snap. Just some stupid tweets.

Awe poor crystal, didn't you miss me?

"Ummm how about no" I roll my eyes even though no one could really see me. I was not gonna let them control me yet again. Even saying their name is way to much.

I'm just gonna be back here, waiting for the perfect moment.

And like that the voice vanished, just like normal. I shake my head from all the past thoughts and voices that I just heard. I finally parked in our driveway realizing that josh and Debby were here. I smiled alittle before walking into the house. Quickly I was greeted by a jumping golden retriever as I shut the door behind me.

"Who's a good Jim, yes you are" I pet the back of the dogs ear, causing him to lick me.

I stop petting the dog and stand up. I immediately greet Debby and Josh.

"It's so nice to see you guys again!"

"It's so nice to see you too" Debby replied.

We talked for a few minutes before I tried to find Tyler.

I went to the basement and found Tyler cussing out his keyboard again. It's honestly Tyler's new hobby. He looks at me and waves.

"Hey crystal, how was the interview"

I take a seat in the chair I was in hours earlier, "very shitty"

"What why?"

"It was fine at first and everything was okay, then they asked me a very sensitive question"

"Well what was it?"

I grab his computer and type in the interview. I skip to the very last question and let him hear for himself. His mood totally changes as I shut the computer off and take out my phone, showing him the tweets of fans that listened in.

"Everything's going bad! I don't know what to do!"

"Hey crystal it's okay, please don't get yourself worked up over this. I know what you are feeling, just don't let this get to you. I'm afraid bad things can happen if you let this take over"

Too late. It already has.

"Also I-" I was about to talk about them but was completely cut off.

Don't. Say. Anything.

"Crystal are you okay?"

I nod and plaster a fake smile on my face, "yeah everything will be okay. I promise."

"Okay, I don't want you to be in the same head space as you were 4 years ago. I don't want you know what to come back"

Kinda too late for that

Because I'm already here.

Don't believe the hype~ sequel to We're broken people Where stories live. Discover now