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Luna hated what was happening. Charlie was getting his heart broke because Bella's ice is in danger. Luna doesn't know how to feel about that as she's not in danger. Edward kissed her head as they waited for Bella and Gabriel. "Why am I not in danger?"

"He only smelt Bella, but I think its because your scent is like those on the Rez." He tells her. "I know you will help Bella so I want you to go with her."

"What about Charlie?"

"Just for you, I will keep him safe with Esme." Rosalie tells her. "Your job is to keep Bella safe."

Luna looked at Edward and kissed him. She doesn't know when the next time she will see him.
The next day, Luna was upset that they went to Phoenix. "This place is so out of my comfort zone." She tells Bella.

Bella shook her head and walked into the hotel with Alice. Luna rolled her eyes as she had a bad feeling. A feeling that Bella might do something heroic, but at the same time dumb. They walked up to the room when Luna heard her phone and sighed. "Kill me." She mumbled.


"Yep and I didn't tell dad about this trip so I'm so dead when I get home."

While Luna spoke to Billy, Bella went to talk to her mom. Luna hung up and heard Bella walk out. "We need to save mom."


"Because James has her."

Luna nodded and called Edward. "Hi Edward, I have to tell you something that might make you mad at me." She said. "I love you, but I have to keep Bella safe. I wanted you to know that I'm doing my part and when you find me, I might either be dead or turned. Just know I kept my promise to Gabriel. I love you forever."

When she walked out of the bedroom, she saw no sign of Bella and ran. She knew exactly where Bella was going to be at. The studio.
Luna arrived at the studio and ran in. She heard screaming and ran to see James. "Leave her alone dick." She said as she ran over and tackled the vampire.

Bella watched as Luna fought with James till Luna was thrown against the mirror. "You will be one strong mutt." Luna growled as she stood back up. "I want to know how strong you will be if you were turned.

"No." She said as she ran at him and was grabbed by the throat.

"You will regret coming here."

Luna screamed when she felt the burning sensation in her neck. She fell to the floor screaming. She doesn't remember much as she black out for the burning sensation.
Luna woke up and saw she was in her old room. "Oh great." She mumbled as Edward walked in with Billy. "I thought..."

"You're his mate and we can't keep him from you."

Luna nodded. "How much trouble am I in?"

"None." Edward said. "You did something that anyone from this pack would do. You kept Bella safe." Luna smiled as Edward hugged her. "Don't leave a message like that ever again."

"Sorry." She tells him. "So I thought last night I would have shifted. So, I guess I didn't carry the gene."

"Actually, you weren't that mad. You were more worried about fighting and keeping Bella safe that the gene probably didn't work." Billy said. "If you do shift, you will be known as the first girl to ever shift, but the question is, what makes you angry enough to turn?"

Edward and Luna shared a look wondering the same thing.

Edward's ShifterWhere stories live. Discover now