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Luna smiled as she arrived at school with Edward. She saw Bella walking across the lawn and into the woods with Gabriel behind her. "It's official. She is dumb for walking into the woods with a vampire." Edward looked at her making her look at him. "Hush."

Edward chuckled as he kissed her making her smile. "Let's get this day over with."


Rosalie watched Luna and Edward walk in shocked. "They don't see the situation we are in."

"They do." Alice tells her. "They are going to ignore it all together."

Rosalie looked back at the school and knew that Alice was right. Luna and Edward were ignoring what is happening.
Luna smiled as she sat in the kitchen of the Cullens house watching Rosalie, Emmett, Esme, and Carlisle cook. "If you are cooking. Why don't you guys eat?"

"Food tastes like dirt to us." Edward replies from behind her. "Plus it's for you and Bella."

Luna nodded. She heard the door shut making her stand up and walk to Edward. Wrap her in his arms. They stood as Bella and Gabriel walked in. Luna stayed quiet as she watched the interaction till a bowl broke. Edward heard a growl and looked at Luna. "Luna?" Bella said.

"Luna, baby, calm down." Edward said making her look at Edward.

She nodded and walked out of the kitchen. Edward sighed and looked at them. "She doesn't know what she just done." Edward tells them. "Just give her time."

They all watched Edward go after his mate and knew it won't be long, but what could make her mad enough to get her to shift.
Luna sat in Edward's room looking out the window. Edward walked over to her and kissed her head. Nothing was said as they looked outside. Luna didn't know what she done, but as of now. She just wanted this moment. Looking at Edward, Luna leaned against him with a smile. "I love you." They tell each other with smiles.

Esme stood by and smiled at them. They were all happy. What else could happen?

Sorry it's short and been awhile hopefully I have a better idea for the next chapter.

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