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Luna was excited as today Bella Swan comes to town. Edward promised to be there as after Bella arrives the two had plans. Edward watched Luna prance around and laughed. "I have never seen you this excited."

"When you haven't seen your best friend in years, you'll be excited too." Luna tells him. "Dad and Jacob are also coming over with Bella's gift." Edward groaned. "Please be civil with them. For me."

"Only for you." He said kissing her. "I'll be civil for you."

Luna smiled and kissed him as she ran up to her room to get dressed for the day. Edward groaned, but knew that this was for her. His mate.
Edward stood with Luna outside as they saw Charlie's cruiser. "Bella!" Luna screamed out as she ran over to her. Bella hugged her best friend.

"It's so good to see you."

"Same." Luna said. She heard Edward clear his throat. "Oh Bella, this is my boyfriend Edward."

"Nice to meet you Bella."

"You too." Bella said as she shook his cold hand. She noted that he was cold, but by the way he looked at her best friend told her that he loved Luna. "I'm going to unpack."

"See ya." Luna replies. She looked at Edward who sighed.

"I'm doing this for you and it's nice to know who Gabriel is going to spend the rest of his life with." Edward tells her. "You should know that I'm doing this for you."

"What did I do to deserve you?" Luna asked him as the two shared a kiss.
Luna smiled as she saw Edward and her dad talking. "I guess that if Luna does have the gene that you are definitely the imprint. As much as it's against the treaty, I know you and Luna are meant. Just don't hurt her."

"I don't plan on hurting her. Only way that would happen is if something happens with my brother's blood singer, but I'm going to try to fight that. I love your daughter Billy."

"And she loves you." Billy said. The two looked back at Luna who was wrestling her brother. Edward walked over and pick Luna up.

"Thank you." Jacob said as he tickled his twin.

"Stop!" Luna squealed out. "Edward, put me down!" Edward chuckled. "This is cheating!"
Luna laid in her bed thinking about everything that happened today. Billy has finally accepted Edward. Which makes her happy that everything is going to be okay.

Sorry that this chapter is short, but I had to make it to where Bella showed up. The rest of the chapters will be long.

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