Chapter Six

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Dying, she was dying.

And she hadn't told him.

Din resisted the urge to slam his hand into the durasteel wall.  All things aside, he felt as if it were important for him to know his business partner was dying.  He spent all night tossing and turning in his bunk, unable to sleep. 

Was she in pain?

Why did he care?

The ship rocked beneath his feet, signaling their drop from hyperspace.  Din pulled his helmet over his head and stepped out into the hall.  Celene was sitting in the cockpit, hands on the controls.  "We're entering orbit now," she said as he stepped inside. 

He could faintly see the planet through the hazy air.  The orange and brown coloring of it reminded him of Nevarro. 

"Another desert planet," Celene muttered.  "Great." 

Din began to reply when an explosion of laser fire blew past the ship.  Celene jerked the controls sharply, sending the Falcon swerving to the right.  "What the hell- where did that come from?"

Din craned his head, peering through the glass.  The ship swung around, aiming back for them.  It raced through space, before pulling up and soaring over them.  An instant later it leapt into hyperspace and vanished. 

Celene's face was pale beneath the lights.  "An Imperial ship."

Din looked at her.  "Why are they here?  Tracking us?"

"I don't know."  Her voice was tight as they dropped down toward the planet's surface.  They broke through the thin clouds and an expanse of desert and rock opened before them, bleeding into the golden hues of the sun.  Celene set the ship down, rocking gently as they landed.  She stood and Din noted the weapons already strapped to her thighs, the rifle across her back. 

The ramp hissed and the full force of the dry heat slammed into the pair.  Even through is Beskar Din felt it.  Sweat trailed down his neck.  Celene bent down and swiped her fingers along the ground.  She let the sand sift through them. 

"What is it?"  Din asked, scanning the rocky area around them.

She rose and shook her head.  "Nothing.  Do you have the coordinates?"

Din gave a nod, reaching for the small hand held device when something snorted behind him.  He turned in time to see a large form racing at him.  His blaster was in his hand instantly but the animal slammed into him, knocking him down.  The blaster flew from his fingers. 

From the corner of his eye he saw Celene drop to one knee, pulling her rifle from her back.  But the blasts bounced harmlessly off the animal's tough hide.  The only weak points were it's face which was too close to Din for a clean shot. 

The animal momentarily eased it's weight off of Din and he reached for his blaster only to have the enormous jaws wrap around his arm.  He briefly registered the stinging pain before the animal lifted him up, and slammed him into the ground.  The air was pushed from his lungs as his head snapped back on the sandy floor. 

Two more blaster shots cracked the air and the animal released Din to look at Celene.  She fired again at the animal, the shots bouncing off it's thick hide.  It charged at Celene who was backed against the rocky outcrop.  Din rolled over, cradling his arm.  "The face!  Aim for the face!"

But Celene didn't fire, her hand dropped to her side still holding the blaster.  The ground shook with the animal's pounding steps as it neared her, closing the gap.  Din shoved himself to his feet, breaking into a limping sprint as the animal slammed into the spot where Celene was.  His cry died in his throat as the dust cleared and beheld the scene before him. 

Celene stood unharmed, her hand outstretched.  The animal was centimeters from her fingers, snorting nervously.  Then it pressed it's scaly head against Celene's hand, it's eyes closing in contentment.  Din stood panting.  "What the hell..."

Celene's gaze snapped to his, dark eyes wide.  "It's... she's scared.  We just startled her."

"How can you... how do you know?"

Celene opened her mouth to answer but before she could someone spoke from behind them.  "You are bounty hunters."

Din spun, blaster already aimed but the small orange figure atop the animal raised his hands.  "I mean no harm.  The blurrg has taken a liking to you.  I am Kuiil."

Din glanced back at Celene and then again to the orange figure who simply said, "I will help you." He tugged on the reins of his mount.  "Follow me.  I have spoken."

Celene came to stand beside Din, the blurrg following close behind her.  She gave a shrug and wiped dust from her face.  "Looks like we don't have a choice."  She began to walk after Kuiil.

As the sun began to set they came upon a small farm of sorts with various huts scattered around it.  Celene paused, and look out to the darkening horizon, raven hair fluttering in the breeze. 

"What do you see?"  Din asked.

She squinted.  "Nothing.  Just desert." 

Inside one of the larger huts, Din and Celene were seated on the floor, having to duck to walk through the interior.  It was covered with various trinkets, gadgets, wires and tools.  The small orange creature spoke to them both.  "Many have passed through.  They seek the same one as you."

"Did you help them?"  Din asked.

"Yes," Kuiil turned his back to them pouring tea into two cups.  "They died."

Celene raised an eyebrow.  "Well then we don't know if we want your help."

Kuiil turned, carrying the two cups over to them in his awkward waddling gait.  "You do.  I can show you to the encampment."

Too good to be true, Din thought.  "What's your cut?"

The creature took a seat at the small fire across from them.  "Half."

Celene snorted beside him.  "Half the bounty to guide?  Seems steep."

The small figure fixed his piercing gaze on her.  "No.  Half the blurrg you helped capture."

Celene tilted her head to the side.  "The blurrg?  You can keep them both."

"No," he said sharply.  "You will each need one.  To ride.  The way is impossible to pass without a blurrg mount."

Din shook his head.  "I don't know how to ride blurrg."

"She does."  Kuiil prodded the fire.

Din looked at Celene.  "You do?"

She blinked.  "No... I've never-"

"I have spoken."  The small creature stood.  "Rest.  Tomorrow morning we begin."

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