Chapter Eighteen

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Why the hell had he said that?

He saw the shock flit across her face, the slight part of her lips. But she covered it well. "Din," she said aloud. His name from her mouth sent his nerves buzzing and he shoved the feeling away.

After all, she'd just said she considered him a friend. Nothing more, nothing less.

He'd been a fool to think anything else.

"Why'd you tell me? Aren't you breaking your creed?"

In truth, he had no idea why he'd told her other than the simple fact he just wanted to. He wanted her to know his name. "I don't know. And my creed... I'm not even sure how many Mandalorians are left. How many of us there are. And if we're gone... then what does my creed matter?"

Her onyx eyes reflected the light of the stars around them. "It's how you were raised. How you live. It's the only thing you know."

"Things can change. They already have. By going back for the both of you... I think it's safe to say no more jobs in the Guild. If they don't put bounties on our heads as well."

The navaigation system gave a soft beep. The ship rocked and the stars slowed around them as they dropped from hyperspace. Sorgan rose in front of them, a hazy mix of muted greens and dull brown. Celene's face was unreadable. "Let's hope we can lay low here for at least a couple of months."

She piloted the Falcon closer, down through the mist of clouds. The ground below them was full of trees reaching for the sky. In between Din glimpsed open grassy spaces and swamps. In the faint distance, evergreen colored hills rose across the horizon. Celene selected a large clearing in the woods, gently setting the ship down on the mossy ground.

The ramp hissed as it lowered, and Din's boots sank into the spongy forest floor. Grogu was tucked under his arm and now he wiggled to be let free. Din placed him on the ground. Celene landed with a light thud beside him, scanning the area slowly. She frowned.


She shook her head, dark braid flying. "Nothing, just the air. It's... so pure. Fresh. Clean."

"Well a backwater planet like this doesn't get much traffic. No people means no pollution."

"Right." She turned her gaze south. "Let's find food and lodging."

The tavern they stumbled on about half an hour later was descent sized. It was constructed of sturdy wood slates that were not completely sealed, still letting light filter through. The smell of food wafted from inside, steaming broth and cooked meat. Voices and laughter reached where they stood. Grogu gave a whine at their feet.

"He's probably hungry." Celene said.

Inside was crowded with all types of people milling about or seated at tables, carrying on in conversation. The ground was soft and sandy, only half covered by a wooden walkway. Celene advanced slowly in front of him and Din scanned the throngs of people.

In a shadowed corner, a single humanoid female was seated. Din's gaze caught on the half-armored clothes she wore, the band of tattoos around her arm.

She didn't belong here.

Before he could say anything to Celene, she'd stopped at an open table and placed Grogu on a seat. Din pulled out the other chair and sat down, facing the direction of the other female. He sensed her gaze on him, his armor and then Grogu.

A woman approached their table, wiping her hands on a cloth. Her hair was pinned up out of her face and she greeted them with a broad smile. "Welcome travelers, can I interest you in anything?"

"Bone broth, for the little one." Celene said.

"Oh, well, you're in luck. I just took down a grinjer, so there's plenty. Can I interest either of you in a porringer of broth as well?"

Celene shook her head, ordering meat and something else that would be easier to transport back to the ship for Din to eat in private. But he was only half listening. As the woman turned to go, he asked, "That one over there-" he jerked his head to the shadowed corner. "When did she arrive?"

The woman chewed her lip. "I've seen her here for the last week or so."

"What's her business here?"

"Business?" The woman looked confused. "Oh, there's not much business on Sorgan, sir, so I can't say. I'll be right back with the food." She walked away and Din looked at the shadowed corner again.

But the woman was gone.

Din stood. "Watch Grogu," he said to Celene.

She leaned back, raising an eyebrow. "Let me know if you need back-up. I like seeing your ass get kicked."

Din rolled his eyes, secretly thankful for her cocky remark, it meant she was returning to some semblance of normal. He swept aside the curtains at the entrance and stepped outside. It was empty, only the still trees and swaying grass. He adjusted the vision on his helmet and the followed the footprints between two woven huts.

He stuck low to the ground, hand on his weapon as he rounded the corner and followed the trail. Then the footprints disappeared. He stopped, scanning his surroundings. A shadow moved to his right and he spun just in time to see the woman swing and kick him squarely in the chest.

He stumbled back, hitting the building. She threw a hard punch for his head and he slid to the left, slamming his elbow into her back. She recovered quickly, spinning on him and delivering a quick flurry of blows to his head. Din's ears rang and he felt blood trickle from his nose.

He swung back, hitting her in the stomach and then the jaw. They both went down, grappling in the dirt. Din pinned her arm, reaching for his blaster and aimed it at her head, only to find her weapon aimed at him. They both paused, panting, stuck in a standstill.

There was a rustle to their left and then a slurping sound. Grogu stood there, bowl clutched in his little hands.

"You want some soup?" Din said, clicking the safety of his blaster back on. She did the same, though cautiously. Din looked at Grogu. If he was out here, where was Celene?

She came around the corner at that second, hand resting on her blaster. "Did you-"

A blast whizzed past her head and she ducked, eyes wide. Din spun, finding the female behind him with her weapon aimed at Celene. "You're a dead woman, Keres."

"Whoa-" Din drew his weapon, aiming it at the female. "What the hell is going on? You're outnumbered- drop it now."

The female snarled at him. "I'd sooner die than surrender my weapon to her." Her gaze fastened on Celene. "To a Sith lord."

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