𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 02

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I shifted my body as the sun was brightly shining through my window. I slowing opened my eyes noticed a shadow over my bed. I shot up scared to see Draco Malfoy standing at the edge of my bed dressed in his all black suit of course with a surprising look in his face, warmth maybe, he looked ... happy?

" Good morning Rosier" Draco said as he walked to my desk and grabbed his book and lifted it up waving it slowly. I shifted up a little more trying to see what it said and it read advanced potions. Shit. The project.

"You slept till 11 am. I must say that is impressive. I brought you breakfast by the way, considering you missed it... again." He said as he point to the plate of eggs, bacon and, pancakes and my nightstand.

"Thank you" i quietly said as i rubbed my eye and yawned. "I'm guessing pansy or daphne let you in.." i said while grabbing the plate and putting it in my lap taking a bite of bacon. 
"Pansy. I was walking in as she was leaving." He said grabbing his books as well as mine and placing them on my bed. Leaving? What? Where were they goin- Hogsmade. "When did Blaise and Lorenzo leave?" I asked Draco as he climbed in my bed after taking off his shoes.
"Same time as Parkinson and Greengrass, though they took longer to get ready." He said while looking at me straight in the eyes softly.
I've always wondered why he's so nice to me... he actually replies when I speak to him without rude remarks and looks at me like a decent human. I mean don't get me wrong I'm not complaining after I heard how Draco was to pansy when she liked him I've always been grateful for anything I can get.

Draco and I are very different yet very similar. He speaks his mind and doesn't give a care in the world about people's feelings, while I tend to only speak when spoked to and try to treat people with kindness and respect. Yet we both see the world the same, we've had a really deep conversation about 1 year  ago and agreed that the world is a shitting place and everyone is better not in it. Both of our parents are rich purebloods who could care less about people so growing up for us was very difficult. Our parents are pretty close and have gotten a lot closer over the years as we got older. So getting hit or screamed at in front of one other was very common. We got abused a lot by our fathers so we learn to take care of  each other as best as we could.

When me and Draco were young we were really close ,but over the past couple of summers Draco got hit way more than before, so he shut me out and doesn't talk to me like we used to anymore. In all fairness I kinda did the same.

I finished my breakfast and sat my plate back down on my table " Ready?" He asked " Mhm" i proudly responded.

We sat  for awhile study and every now and then helping each other with potions we didn't understand. He finished his essay about the different potions and why they are used a couple minutes before me and just sat there looking at me waiting for me to finish. When I did I closed my books and just stared at him.

"I'm sorry" he blurted out of nowhere "for..." I asked confused " shutting you out. That was wrong of me. I know we both went through the same thing this summer I saw your eye and the way we winched while walking on the train coming here. I'm sorry for not being their for you and not letting you be their for me." He breathed while looking into my eyes with agony. " Draco it's not your fault. We both knew eventually it was going to get worse. Yes , it would have been nice to have someone to talk to during the summer but in all fairness I kinda shut  you out too. We both like to be alone and there is nothing wrong with that, but don't you dare blame yourself. Okay?" I replied effortlessly in all truth.

Slytherin Royalty | Draco Malfoy FFWhere stories live. Discover now