𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 11

50 0 0

Davina Rosier

I walked up to the boys corridors following Enzo into there dorm. As i entered i took in a strong inhale of teakwood, musk, and expensive cologne. The boys all had different smells that radiated around them but somehow they blended together almost perfectly.

I sat my stuff on a small desk next to draco's bed and kicked off my shoes, leaving them around each other close to the bed.

Enzo walked right over to the window opening it and reached into his pocket pulling out a small thin sliver rectangle case.

I started walking to him as he reached his arm over his shoulder holding one unlit cigarette. I chuckled and grabbed it from him i jumped up to sit on the ledge now a couple inches higher than Enzo's standing point. I put the cigarette to my mouth and inhaled as it magically lit into flames.

"Whoa! What the fuck... How did you do that?"

"Do what...." I looked at him confused.

He simply looked at the end of the cigarette raising his eyebrows.

"Oh... yeah. Um i'm not really sure to be honest... If i just think and concentrate really hard on a thought it just... works. I've only tried it a couple times for small things though.  " I replied looking down.

"uh- okay weird."

"yeah your telling me." i huffed.

A couple minutes passed of us just looking at the star filled night sky, enjoying the crisp air.

I looked down in my own thought then drove my attention to Enzo's vain filled hands.

"Where are all your rings from?" I asked while scrunching my eyebrows.

"um these two are from my father..." he said pointing to a large family sliver crest on his ring finger and a small sliver band on his pinky.

"And Malfoy and I got a matching snake ring in the second year to represent slytherin." he added holding up his other hand,cigarette between his pointer and middle fingers holding it up, and pointing to his long sliver snake ring that wrapped around his middle finger.

I held his hand for a moment studying his rings before letting go and smiling.

"What's on your mind?" he questioned.

"Nothing... it's just you and Draco seem to have a really good relationship. It's just heartwarming is all." i fiddled with my fingers, replying.

"Draco and I have had our ups and downs like any other friends but we've always found our way back to each other. He's my best mate. I don't know what i would do without him. I guess him being my cousin also helps in those situations because our parents never really gave the chance to be mad at eachother, but i think that's also what made us close."

"Wait wait you guys never told me you were cousins?!"

"Oh fuck. oops... you weren't supposed to know that."

"Why not?" i questioned.

"Uh our fathers made promise that we were to never speak of it. They didn't want people to know who my mother was... is. Who my mother is." he corrected.

"Well... are you gonna tell me who she is or not enzo. You might as well... You already spilt the rest of it."

He chuckled then slowly formed a serious face.

"Bellatrix Black- Berkshire" He said in a
low deep voice.

"Oh... well now i can see why you never talk about your family." i joked trying to lift the mood.

Slytherin Royalty | Draco Malfoy FFWhere stories live. Discover now