self-sufficient, she calls it

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Category: Prose
Written: December 2020

It's exhausting being the person you can use whenever you want because I'll always be there. Because I'll always care. The easiest target, I suppose. Give me your anger. Give me your sadness. Give me it all because you know I'll make it better. Hurt me with your words and I'll ignore it because I love you and I have to understand you never mean it. You never mean to react the way you do and you love me but I just have to understand. Will there ever be someone who does it for me? Will there ever be someone who makes me feel like I don't have to be self sufficient anymore? But being a strong and independent woman is supposed to be your brand. How do you know I want a brand? Do you really know me? Why am I always trained to forgive all who are never trained to apologize? Give me your pain, your tears, and your suffering. Because you know I'll always heal you. And behind the irises of my eyes or the pores of my skin, my own burdens sit. Nowhere to go, not a place to stay. trying to figure out how to heal. For the sake of myself and for the sake of everyone else, trying to master perfection. So I can be anything you want and everything you need just to fill the gaps in my heart. So I can do good for all and forget about the bad that lays in my bones. Forget about the bad because it's my job to. Forget about the past because they need me now. Take it all and take it well because i'm self sufficient. Take love in bits and portions to keep myself safe. Take emotions and hold them close until I can't anymore. Because tomorrow is another day for me to heal another soul.

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