Falling From Heaven

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The Sar, along with her sister, The Sir, the two sibling goddesses of light once again peek above the horizon and start their daily majestic dance. Pushing away any remnants of the cold night that was dominating the world. Their light shines upon the hills, upon the forests, upon the farms, signalling the people that it is time, to once again get up and greet the day. Soon enough, the ookas birds in the village start chanting their signature song. Ah yes, the "wake up" chant, as people called. It is now the hour of vier, light from the heaven now gives life to the earth, waking it up from the slumber of the lightfall.

"Elaa, Elaa, wake up. You are sleeping on the job again. It is very dangerous to take nap in the middle of the woods you know?," a soft voice reach out to me, caressing my ears as I slowly open my sleepy eye.

" Just~ a bit~ longer. Besides, I'm quite knowledgeable about this woods. Nothing can sneak up to me, even while as sleep ," feeling quite lazy, I yawn while giving my sister a reply.

"Come on now, we have to get back. It has been quite some time since the hour vier arrived. We still have to help mother prepare breakfast", she answered, sighing.

Evaa, my precious elder sister. She is the family's second child, with the first being my brother Neola. I never got to meet him, as he is long gone. My brother met his end at the battle for fort Bren, a Glerian axe took him to the afterlife along with his battalion. And I was with my mother and sister, taking shelter at my uncle's small shop in the town of Weslerfair away from the frontline two starcycles ago. I was very young back then, so I don't have much memory with my brother. But my sister Evaa on the other hand, is very important to me. We were always together since my birth. I follow her everywhere she goes and try to do everthing she does. She is the pride of my family, all the boys in the village would fluster at the sight of her. As the light from Sir and Sar shine upon her, you can really see her in her true beauty. Soft and light skin embraced by the lightrise with the orcassional swaying back and fort of her bright blond hair. She could even compete with the elder princess Eiry of the Royal family in terms of beauty. And I love her to no end, just as how she loves me.

"Just a little bit more, please..." still feeling lazy, I tried to use my old trick and beg her while trying to look like a stray cat. But of course, being siblings I know my trick would not work on her as she sigh for the second time.

"No can do little miss, that trick could work for the boys in the village but not on me. Now come on, get up and let's go back." I stand up and tidy my garment as she turn away, heading for our home with her back full of fire wood,"and don't forget to grab the basket with you," she turns around, noticing me walking to her without my basket of herbs and mushroom.

"Ah, right. I forgot, sorry sis. teehee~," I put up a smile and turn back to pick up my basket. Luckily nothing came for the content inside while I was napping a moment ago. Then the two of us walk back home together."Oh by the way sis, what will we have for breakfast today?"

Every morning both of us wake up very early, usually in the last moments of hour drei just  before lightrise and trek to the woods near our home. My sister would collect sticks and wood while the smaller me go around searching for any kind of herbs, edible plants and mushroom. Those will either be used in our meals of the day or sold in the village's square where peddlers and small merchants gather. Once the hour of vier comes, we would depart the woods and head home back to our farm. At this time mother would already be up and father would be tending to  the field. It is a routine that has solidified  into my conciousness. We do this everyday, just living a peaceful life in the countryside, in the village of Mildo.

We walk silently among the greenery of the morning woods. With the light from Sir and Sar embracing the top of the leaves, giving them a slight golden tint as the soft gales wind caress the branches, swaying them along a windy rythm. At this hour, not only the people but also nature seems to have woken up as well. I can hear the sound of the forest becoming alive, from the chirping of the birds to the calling of the deras coming out from their burrows in the ground. The forest under the rule of the light is revived anew, once again full of life. 

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