Cross-galactic interaction

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She smiles, a kind and gentle smile befitting a mother figure. Then she extends her hand toward the wooden structure, inviting me and my team to her homely abode. Her husband turns away from his elder daughter and say something to her but she disregards him. She then place her hand in front of her chest, looks at the visor where my eyes is and give me another gentle smile.

"Aluria, Aluria Fies Hieright."

To say that I am not surprised to hear such a name is untrue. It is a beautiful name, no doubt. But to see that an entirely different alien species can bear such a human name. I was expecting something that sounds more...alien like. I guess I have been watching too many old movies. Then again this new alien species looks and sounds exactly like the human species so who knows.

"Seems like we got a pass. Alias for intro?"

I turn my head slightly to the side and communicate with my team in a silent voice, then wait for their respond. After about a second Kai turns to me and silently nod. So I look back at Aluria.


I point to my chest and respond, then to each of my squadmates.

"Mont, Kai, Deman, Doc, Comman."

Each person raise their hand and wave or simply nod as I introduce them. Also Comman is a new alias I have just come up with for Miller, our intelligent and communication specialist sergeant. And with that concludes our first ever proper cross species greeting and introduction. Truly a historical moment. To me and members of Talon at least, maybe other survivors out there are making contact with aliens as we speak and has already taken that historical moment. So far no communication has been made with anyone, even with the hopefully still in-orbit corvette up there. We have been trying but up until now not a single signal was received. Which I find quite unusual since escape pods are made with some of the most powerful distress signals when incidents like this happen. Some of the more expensive pods out there can emit signals so strong you can detect it even if you are at the rim of the star system. It might be because nobody survived the incident, hence no communications. But that is the most improbable scenario, I saw many escaped successfully. Although I don't want to fear for the worst, it is still one of the many possibilities. I brush away those negative thoughts and focus into the immediate tasks.

Aluria acknowledged each of us with a light bow, then turn around and hastily walks to the wooden structure, so the whole team follows with Elaa trailing alongside her injured sister. While walking she speaks something to her husband and he dash off to the other side of the cottage.

As we pass through the entrance, me and my team has to crouch down a bit to avoid bumping our head against the top of the door. I order Kai and Mont to be sentry so they stay outside and keep watch, especially Mont because we would need to destroy the whole door frame just for him to squeeze fit.

As I step inside the house, a strange feeling immediately invades me. The environment around me looks warm and is quite homely. I personally have never been inside a wooden structure for my entire life. So far so you could say this is a first time experience. And of course, it is truly a unique one at that. Everything is made out of wood, the dining table and chairs, the bowl, plates and cup, the shelves and wardrobes. Golden sparkles of sunlight slither though the cracks on the walls and shines throughout the rooms, illuminating patches of dust particles floating randomly in mid air. The bickering amber from the recently used stove, the tasty looking pot of soup residing on top of a counter. An alien yet very familiar sensation floods my feelings, beyond my suit's various visual and audio censors, strange but welcoming indeed.

We pass through the kitchen and the dining room, having to move some furniture aside to make way for the stretcher. I then give out some orders to Deman and Miller. Muting the suit's external audio system so that my voice won't reach outside, I speak through the comm.

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