Tango Hit

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Local hour 0547, location unknown.

We are here.

Standing on the soil of an unknown alien world.

After the events that have transpired, somehow, we managed to make it down safely, just barely.

"Deman, couldn't you have made the landing any softer than that?" Mont complains, followed by a slight uncomfortable growl.

"Negative, thrusters snapped halfway through. Restoration was impossible." Deman replied with his usual short and straight sentences while checking his gear.

"So we free fall like 100 meters from the ground?" Doc asked. His full name is Johan Tiedemann, sergeant first class. He takes the role of a combat medic and a biologist. And being a member of a tier 0, he is equipped with some of the latest medical technologies. Technologies that even the tier one and two special forces don't have. Such as stem cells technology and portable printers that can even print whole functioning body parts or organs.

We usually joke around that one day he will clone and make copies of himself with all of the new stuff he got issued. Although most of the high tech ones are still in their experimental prototype phase. That's one of the benefits of being the elites, you get to play with the new toys fresh out of the R&D labs. Well to be fair bio printing is nothing new, but this time, instead of needing an entire dedicated room in a large hospital with ample power conection to the grid, Doc's printer is man portable and has a long lasting battery life.

"67 meters to be exact, but our chance of surviving that drop was high." Deman provides the exact height where the landing pod's gravity dampener broke down. He has a very realistic personality. The kind of personality you would expect in a professional scientist who is way to serious about their job. Truth be told, he really is a scientist. And a good one at that, with 3 PhDs hanging on his wall back home. He trust numbers, calculations, mathematics and logic. In fact, he worships them, i think, like some sort of religion.

"That much wouldn't have even scratched us."

"He is right, Mont. It's just your size and weight that made you suffer some extra back end injuries." Doc remarks as he unlocks himself out of his seat's lock, a slight chuckle can be heard coming from him.

Doc is not wrong, Mont is massive even with modern human standard. Standing at 7 feet 9 inches or almost 2.4 meter, he absolutely towers above everyone else in the squad. In fact he towers above almost everybody within the armed forces. Weighing at around 320 lbs or 149 kg he is also one of the heaviest combatant as well. Though those numbers are indeed impressive, they are not all natural. He is, similar to to us, a member of an elite special force belonging to the top tiers. We are basically the best warriors humanity have, the rare few thousands among the hundred billion. And so naturally we are heavily modified with a slew of augmentations, bio-engineering and body modifications. They includes body growth and muscle mass development procedures. Mont's body react to those modifications much better than ours do, which is why he out grow us in terms of size.

I do the same as my comrades. Pulling two small levers on the lock on both sides of my shoulder. With a familiar mechanical clank, the bolts from behind the back of my seat fall off and the lock springs up away from my chest. We are all used to these procedures. Because we have repeated it so many times. Almost every one of our deployments start with us being inserted by specialized assault pods. Either that or atmosphere-capable shuttles and dropships. Mission that include but not limited to us assaulting a ship, a spin station, orbital habitats or planetary insertions. But none of us has had any experience doing it in a standard emergency escape pod. I can not remember what was the last time I actually got onto one of these. Aside from training and simulations, I believe I have never use them for extraction or escape, ever. Since we almost never need them to begin with anyway, every one of our missions so far have been successfully completed. But nevertheless me and my men still remember how these pods operate. We have got the memory modification implants to thanks for that, and of course rigorous training as well.

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