Battle Against The Beast

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Author's note: Ok, I have fixed this chapters and address most of its problems. I have added and remove some information to make the overall plot and story clearer and more connected to the bigger picture. Also fixing some typos, finally. Enjoy.  


Was my prayer answered?

Were my cries heard?

I do not know.

What's happening in front of me is nothing but miracles.

B'ars are gigantic and dangerous beasts. A massive creature whose skin and fur thick enough to shrug off arrows and sword strikes. They have the strength of a dozen adult men and can easily lift a carriage. Their deadly weapons are their four massive arms, each as big as a tree trunk, with claws as sharp as knives. Along with a powerful jaw that can crush the hardest of skull. Each of its strike can easily smash a log in half. Finally, they have the ferocity and agility that is deemed impossible for creatures of such immense size.

There are even rumors about some species of b'ars deep inside the elven great forest that can cast spells and use magic. They are undoubtedly one of the most formidable animals in this world, just behind the likes of drakes and wyverns.

According to what I read in that book in my uncle house back then, to take on even a premature b'ar, a team of at least tier 3 adventurers and above is required. But this b'ar is a different story. It is much larger than a regular adult b'ar. It looks to be on the scale of an elder, which is even deadlier than a fully grown adult b'ar.

I remember that traveler used to tell stories of an elder b'ar in the northern mountainous canyon taking out a party of an elite veteran adventurer teams, all of which are tier 4, with a tier 5 leading them. After the battle, just 3 out of the original 7 strong party returned somewhat alive, while only managed to cut off one of its arms and poke out one of its eyes. The tier 5 warrior was the first one to get half of his body bitten off.

And yet here it is. An elder b'ar, roaring in pain as two of its four arms are easily blasted off as if they were made of paper. Its blood stain the ground in front of it.

I feel a strange vibration in the air. So I turn my head to the left. Something flew past me from the bushes. It moves so incredibly fast that I can only catch a slight glimpse of it. A strange blurry shape of black resembling something like a person.

For a split moment the shape stops, crouching on the ground with both hand holding and pointing something towards the b'ar . But that split second was enough for me to see it clearly. That is indeed a person, or at least something resembling a person.

No, not just a person, but a warrior, covered from head to toe with strange armor darker than lightfall. His face is featureless. There is nothing in the place where the eyes are supposed to be, the same can be said for the nose and mouth. There's not even any holes or slits like a knight's helmet. His entire face consists of just plain smooth blackness. He is carrying a strange long metal staff, with multiple bright blue flashes of lightning magic shines on one end. There are small streams of white smoke coming out from the glowing part. Yet the most striking feature of this warrior is that he is very large, way larger than any adult man I have ever seen before.

Yet he is able to move at such speed, approaching the beast with unbelievable agility. I can clearly feel each step of his legs stomping the ground.

Then some thing came out of his shoulder and bounce off the ground near the still growling beast. Landing near my sister's body...



Where is my sister's body?

There's only a puddle of blood where her body used to be.

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