~Rough Ends~

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Authour P.O.V -

It was around 10:30am the next morning when Jimin came back around to the dorms. Everyone was awake and Jin was cooking whilst having a lost puppy Taehyung hanging all over him. As Jimin walked past his other members he tapped Jungkook on the shoulder as he was sitting at the table already. Jungkook noticed and followed his Jimin-Hyung to the long dark corridor in their dorm. Jungkook leans up against the wall and looks at his Hyung in his eyes when Jimin stops moving.

"Abort it"

The words came out cold and reckless...

"What?" Jungkook asked in shock.

"You heard me. Abort the thing." Jimin looked at Jungkook coldly.

"NO! You...you can't do this...and...and it's not a thing either!" Jungkook says tearing up.

"It means nothing to me Jungkook. NOTHING."

"But...Jimin...what about what you said last night...?" Jungkook sniffles.

"It meant nothing Jungkook. I wasn't in the right head space. I just said things to calm your stupid fucking hormones down." Jimin scowls and rolls his eyes.

"J...Jimin..." Jungkooks lips quiver.

Jimin holds Jungkooks face in his hands gently and caresses Jungkooks cheeks.

"Hey...hey don't cry beautiful. All of this will be over soon. I've already made an appointment for this afternoon. Alright?"

Jungkook bursts out crying and Jin comes into the corridor to tell them breakfast was ready. Jimin gives Jungkook a look of "don't tell anyone else" and then leaves which causes Jungkook to break down even more. Jin rushes to Jungkook holding the boy in a massive hug.

"Honey? Honey what's wrong?" Jin asked concerned.

Jungkook didn't answer and just walked away to go back to the kitchen to eat breakfast, whilst drying his tears.

*at the breakfast table"

"Come on kookie. Eat some more. You need food for your baby" Hoseok says sitting across from Jungkook. By now all members knew about the upcoming baby.

"No thank you. I'm not hungry." Jungkook pushes his plate away and gets up to walk to his dorm room.

Once Jungkook left, every remaining member at the table, turned and looked at Jimin.

Jimin with a sly smile said "he's fine".

Jin slammed his fists down on the table and loudly spoke "BREAKFAST IS OVER! EVERYONE CLEAR OUT OF THIS ROOM RIGHT NOW!"

*1:30pm, Namjoon and Hoseok standing outside of their dorm where Yoongi is*

"I agree. It's definitely better to talk to him about this" Namjoon stated.

Hoseok nodded and gestured to the door.

"Shall we go in?" Hoseok asked.

Namjoon nods and they both walk in the room to see a burrito blanket. They both knew it was their cute lil bean yoongi, so Hoseok jumped on top of him and pulled Yoongi into a warm, comforting cuddle.

"Yoongi bearrrrr" Hoseok said sweetly into Yoongis ear.

As Yoongi was still being pestered by Hoseok, Namjoon slid onto the other side of the bed and back hugged Yoongi as Hoseok had gotten the front.

Namjoon pulled the blanket down from Yoongis head and pushed Yoongis hair back behind his ears.

"Yoongi...Hobi and I...well...we feel like you need to start seeing someone again..." Namjoon spoke softly.

Yoongi rose and immediately with anger  and tears stated "IM NOT GOING BACK TO THAT AWFUL PLACE!"

Both Namjoon and Hoseok hugged Yoongi soflty, whispering sweet nothings into his ears, as he continued to cry. It was going to be a long day...

*5:00pm, at the doctors*

"Ah, Jungkookie. I can't wait till we have this thing out of you and then we can be together."

"E...excuse me? Is our baby an issue to you?" Jungkook asked visibly hurt.

"Ah fuck kook. It's not me, it's you. I can't be with someone who's carrying a child"

Jungkooks heart stopped for a second. Why...why was Jimin being like this all of a sudden. Jungkook decided to sit in the waiting room in silence for the next half an hour before the appointment.

The doctors waiting room was suddenly filled with beautiful giggles and Jungkook looked over to where a cute little girl was playing with her Appa. They seemed to be having such a lovely time and Jungkook wished that he could do that too...but obviously...it's already too late...

Jimin ended up catching to where Jungkooks eyes landed on and said in a cold tone "disgusting".

*in the hospital bed before the operating theatre*

Jungkook wasn't ready...he didn't want to say goodbye to his child like this...but it was too far late as the doctors came into collect him for the operating theatre.

Jungkooks P.O.V -

My heart was racing, going 1000 miles per hour if that's even humanly possible. I didn't want this. I may be 15 but I have empathy for a lot of things in life. This fetus inside me was not ready to die. I know it wasn't. If only I had reached the 14 week mark, then that asshole (Jimin) couldn't have a say in this. I feel so small compared to Jimin...I guess..that's why I listen to him.

"Mr Jeon, we are ready to take you into theatre."


The surgeons wheeled me away as that prick Jimin waved at me with a smile and wished me luck.

When we arrived at the theatre, the surgeons were ready to put me to sleep but before they could, I quickly grabbed the hands of one of the nurses and looked up at them with pleading eyes.

"Please...please don't let him take away my baby...please..." Jungkook cried and the nurse spoke a soft "I'm sorry...", as she had administered the Anthesia to make him fall asleep for the operation.

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