~Water Under The Bridge~

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Jungkook P.O.V:

"Jiminieeeee" I say jumping on top of him to give the massiveness cuddle ever.

Jimin groans and holds me tightly with his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Baby...be careful...please...for bean..." Jimin says in a concerned tone of voice.

I just giggle and peck his lips happily.

"I've missed this..." I hear him say under his breath.

"Me too...I've missed everything about you Hyung...I'm so glad we're rekindling our relationship again"

"Your too kind Kook...I'll never leave you ever again my baby...your mine...now and forever...understand?"

I nod softly and lie my head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat rapidly beating. Knowing that his heart still feels love for me after everything just makes me feel absolutely infatuated with him...it makes me slowly trust him again...

During our beautiful moment someone had to fucking ruin it by ringing the doorbell.

"Expecting anyone?" he turns his head up at me.

"No" I say as I get up to open the door and I nearly shat myself...it was Yugyeom...why the fuck after all this time is he back...

"Hey..." he says sluggishly, rubbing behind his neck.

"Absolutely fucking not" I say and slam the door in his face.

"Who was it baby?"

"Some random"

Yugyeom P.O.V:

Well. He didn't have to slam the door in my face. How rude.

"Jungkook! Please! I need to talk with you." I start to bang on the door, annoyed.

Author P.O.V:

"Jungkookie it doesn't sound like nothing...just tell me the truth...don't lie to me baby..." Jimin caresses Jungkooks cheeks softly, feeling those cute little chonks in his hands.

"It's...its Yugyeom..."

"Oh...the one you went on a couple of dates with..." Jimin says feeling a little awkward and jealous.

"Yeah...that one..."

"Well...let him in then..."


"He said he needs to talk to you and I trust you enough beautiful. I don't trust him though." Jimin says with a sour tone slipping of his tongue.

Jungkook sighs and starts walking back towards the door, slowly opening it and stares right into Yugyeoms face.

"Speak. Now." Jungkook demands with authority.

And that's when Yugyeom breaks down.

"Jungkook. I am so fucking sorry...I've been so busy lately with the group and promotions, and just didn't have time to message you. You...you understand right? You're in the same industry as me-"

Yugyeom didn't get to finish his sentence because Jungkook had cut him off immediately with this incoherent rambling.

"Yugyeom...just stop...let's..let's just go back to being friends please...I've made up my mind..."

"Wait! You're seriously going to choose the baby killer over me?! What the fuck?! Are you mentally deranged Jungkoook?! He hurt you, mentally and physically and yet you ran back to him. How can you love him?! You should be locked up in a mental hospital now because for one second if you think that prick is going to treat you right, you're fucking delusionsal!"

Jungkook stares cold into his eyes.

"We're done here. Don't ever come near me again. You'll never meet my child. They were never yours to begin with. Now leave. And don't bother Jimin either. Go."

"Jungkook...come on...."

Jungkook P.O.V:

"He said LEAVE." I hear a rough voice say in annoyance and anger, feeling a hand sneak onto my waist pulling me closer towards the solid human.

"Oh well...look who it is. Poor little Jiminie who thinks he can fool everyone with his 'I have a personality disorder' please forgive me" Yugyeom starts laughing and I clench my fists getting really fucking annoyed.

Within a second...Jimin lost it...and I've never seen anything like it...Jimin was aggressively beating Yugyeom over and over again...I tried to pull him off but he was too strong for me...he may be small but he has tons of muscles...

"JIMIN! PLEASE! HE ISNT WORTH IT! PLEASE YOUR ABOUT TO KILL HIM! THAT WOULDNT BE A GOOD LOOK JIMIN! HYUNG! IM BEGGING!!!" I say still struggling and finally with all my might, I try my biggest pull yet and finally am able to pull him away from Yugyeom.

"Get out of here Yugyeom. You can't win this." I state coldly into those deep soulless eyes.

Yugyeom scoffs and walks away with a badly beaten face, bloody and bruised.

I turn Jimin around to face him and look at his gentle face, now with a couple of scratches and bruises.

"I would have killed him if I had a chance." Jimin spat out.

"I know...but let's go get you cleaned up..."


I sigh and walk Jimin to the bathroom gently and run the bath. Fucking Yugyeom just had to go and ruin everything. We were going so well until Yugyeom sent Jimin on a rampage. What I saw again...was not Jimin...yeah it scared me...but I have a sense of clarity of why he does what he does...but it's still just upsetting for me...I hate seeing him loose control...

Jimin P.O.V:

"I'm sorry Kook..." I say with a heavy heart as he washes my back with those gentle hands.

"Hyung...stop apologising..."

I say nothing and let him to continue to wash me over.

We sit in silence for the remainder of him helping me wash up. As he gathers my Pajamas and a towel for me to sit aside on the cabinet, he gives me a soft kiss on the nose and walks out.

I sigh heavily, and get out of the bathtub.

Once I finished pulling on my pajamas, I headed back to our room to notice Jungkook was already tucked in to bed, ready to sleep, so I snuck in behind him, pulling him close to my chest.

"I love you Jungkook...so much..." I whisper softly.

"I...I love you too Hyung...I'd always choose you..." I hear him whisper back to me and I smile happily, placing my neck in between his collarbones, slowly falling asleep with him too.

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