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~a couple of weeks later~

(Warning: mentions of abuse)

Jin P.O.V

"'Mmm...." I hummed as I rolled over stretching to the person I loved the most.


Hmm...no movement.

"Sweetie...it's time to wake up" I start peppering kisses onto his neck.

"Mm...Hyung...let me sleep" he groans and tries to push me away.

"Nope. Come on" I say softly as I get myself out of bed with a jump.

"It's our appointment today. We are booked for 10:30am, and it's now..." I look down at my watch to check the time, "9.00am. We have an hour to get out the door because it's about 20 minutes to get there. Let's go. Up, up!" I say sternly, gently slapping his ass as I walk towards the door to go into the kitchen.

Jungkook P.O.V

"Jungkook-ah? Breakfast is ready" I hear Jin-Hyung quietly say to me as I was already slowly opening my eyes. With everything going on right now, my brain is a little fried, you could say. It's like I've been surprised with a massive pop quiz at school and then the panic sets in. In my deep thoughts, I slip on my bunny slippers and walk out to the kitchen and sit down to start eating the kimchi that Jin had made for breakfast.

"Nice as always Hyung" I say continuing to stuff my mouth.

Jin Hyung turns around to look at me with a pleased smile and walks up to me.

"You never fail to flatter me my little bunny" he says squeezing my cheeks.

"How's online school going?" Jin asks me as he turns around to continue washing up.

"Yeah...good..." I say picking at my food now...

"Yeah? Are your friends worried about where you are?"


"Sorry...I shouldn't have asked..."

"No...it's fine...I just hate lying to them..."

Jin sighs and stops the tap running to sit down in front of me.

"Kookie..." he gently grabs my hands in his. "I know it's hard right now, but if they're your real friends...they'll stick around when they know the truth one day...if it ever comes out."

"Thanks Hyung..." I give him a slight slime.

Hyung sighs in front of me and then quickly changes his face to a more curious and excited expression.

"How's Yugyeom?! I haven't heard of him in awhile. What's he up to currently? Anymore dates soon? Hmmmm?" He says winking at me and smirking.

"Yeah...about that..." I start off, rubbing my neck nervously.

"I don't think he wants this pressure anymore...with everything that's happened...you know...Jimin being in the hospital and finally realising he has a mental illness...and then the baby...that's jimins and not yugyeoms...sigh..." I say starting to stress within myself.

"Hey...kook...calm down honey..."

"Sorry...it's just...I haven't had a text from Yugyeom since 2 weeks ago...the last text I sent him was to ask how he was and a i love you...he saw it Hyung...he fucking saw it!" I start to tear up.

Just then Taehyung walks out still half asleep until he notices me in a frizzle.

"Hey...hey! Kookie, bun, who hurt you? Was it this Hyung?" Taehyung says staring at Jin Hyung with a glare, cuddling me.

"Oh come on Taehyung I did nothing!" Jin scoffs and walks away.

Taehyung watches as his huffy boyfriend walks away.

"You alright?"

"Yeah..it wasn't anything that Jin Hyung did, Tae" I smile gently at him.

"I'm Hyung to you Bun" he says rubbing my head softly and I giggle in comfort.

Author P.O.V

"Alrighty Jimin. Shall we start?"

Jimin nods hestitanly.

"From the past few sessions we have discussed how to cope with your outbursts, but realistically we still haven't worked out what memory has caused these unexpected outbursts. So today, I just want you to focus on yourself and lay down on the couch, and we can talk about your childhood"

Childhood...Jimin thought...childhood wasn't a good place for him...he really didn't want to think about it...but if it was going to supposedly help...he guessed he had no option but to finally open up to someone...

Jimin lies down softly on the couch with a soft pillow underneath his head, ready to pour his heart out.

"Ok jimin...are you comfortable?"

"Yes Mr Lee..."

"Great. How about you start telling me how your childhood was like?"

Jimin sighs and begins...

"When I was little...everything was great...Eomma and Appa would include me in everything, we'd have fun at home, parks, water parks, the movies...everything felt like a loving family until my Appa began coming home late...Eomma would sit on the couch waiting up for him until 4 in the morning and I'd try to sleep but...all I could hear was the screams of them both...especially my Eomma..."

Jimin stops and takes a sharp and deep breath in.

"One night...I waited up too...it was exaclty 4am...and once again I heard the screams...as a curious child at the age of 7...I walked downstairs...what I witnessed has never left me...my mother being held down...gasping for air as these strong, cold hands wrapped around her throat. My Eomma...she was pregnant at the time...and the thing that has probably traumatised me the most is when my Appa...that prick of a human being...created gashes across her stomach...trying to get rid of my brother..."

"I vowed that day to never bring up a child...it was cruel to bring them into a world so harmful..."


Jimin P.O.V

I look up at Mr Lee and feel something wet on my cheek...I was crying...after all these years...I finally let my emotions slip...

Mr Lee smiles softly at me and hands me a couple of tissues to which I accept and say thank you.

"I think we finally made progress Jimin" he tells me gently and I answer back with a nod.

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