Chapter 1

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The new competition season was just starting at the Abby Lee Dance Company. So for all the dancers this meant learning 1-3 new routines every week, and then a new competition to go along with the routines.

Chloe ran into studio A ready to see where she would be on the pyramid. After Chloe came Brooke and Paige. Then Maddie and  Mackenzie, then Nia and finally Kendall. Abby walked in soon after all the girls were in the studio. Abby called the moms down to go over the results of nationals at Starbound and the pyramid.

"Okay, ladies since we are all here, let's begin!"

"First on the pyramid is Nia, Nia you had a beautiful solo, but you need to remember it! Forgetting a dance at Nationals is unacceptable! Next, Paige your solo, you performed I know you are still sore from your injury but you need to place in your category. Next we have, Mackenzie, you were only in the group dance there was not much to judge you on. Next is, Kendall same as Mackenzie you were only in the group not much to judge you on. Then, Maddie you were second in your age division and overall, good job. Next, Brooke, Brooke you won your age category and were crowned Teen Miss Energy. And on top of the pyramid, Chloe. Chloe your solo was gorgeous and you placed first in both your age category and overall and you were also crowned Junior Miss Energy."

Christi and Kelly smiled as all the girls hugged Chloe and a smile appeared across her face. "Anyway girls, this week we will be attending Starpower in Upland, California. I want a clean sweep this week. It's the beginning of the season and I want my name out there as the team to beat. So with saying this, Maddie you will have a lyrical solo entitled, Finally. Brooke, you will have an acro routine called Speaking French. Paige you will have a jazz solo, called Rhythm Of The Night. Chloe, you will also have a solo it's a lyrical/contemporary routine entitled I Just Wanna Be Happy. There will also be a trio of Maddie, Paige, and Mackenzie it's an acro number so Maddie this will be challenging to you it is called City Lights. There will also be a duet of Chloe and Nick." All the girls looked around confused Nick was nowhere to be seen. Abby walked over to the door and motioned for someone to come in, soon enough Nick walked through the door and walked over to stand by Chloe. "As I was saying, Chloe and Nick you two will have a duet, it is a lyrical number called Safe."

Nick looked down at Chloe for a second and smiled at her. All the moms saw this and smiled, not only happy that Chloe was on top of the pyramid and got a solo and a duet, but because her duet partner was Nick. Everyone loved the chemistry between Nick and Chloe in Twilight and had secretly been hoping that Abby would give them a duet ever since.

Christi watched Chloe and thought about the title of the dance "Safe" she thought, she could only imagine how beautiful and how much chemistry her daughter and Nick would have together.

"There will also be a group dance called Lullaby For A Stormy Night. It is a lyrical/contemporary number and I expect it to win. With that being said, moms you are dismissed. Girls we are going to work on the group dance first then solos, the trio and then the duet, so Nick you can go back to class, I will send Chloe to come get you when we are ready." Nick nodded and then walked out the door waving at all the girls before he left. Soon after the moms headed out the door walking up to watch their daughters rehearse.

After the moms and Nick left Abby started to work out the group number. "Now girls this is a little bit of a creepy number." "Oh great." Chloe thought, The Last Text at Nationals was the creepiest number she had ever did and she still got chills every time she thought about it.

"Chloe I want you in the center up front, Maddie to the left of Chloe and Brooke to the right of Chloe. Okay, that looks good I like it. Now, in the back, Nia I want you in the center in the back, Paige on the left, and Kendall on the right. Good, now Mackenzie, your age is not appropriate for this dance so, I want you to go to tap."

Mackenzie nodded and walked out to the dancers den to go put her tap shoes on. "Now to start the dance off I want all of you to do staggered front aerials so it will be like a domino effect. First it will be Brooke, then Chloe, Maddie, then Nia, Paige, and finally Kendall.The you will land on your right knee. Got it? Let's try it."

"Alright, Brooke let's go." Abby pushed the button on the stero to start the music. The music was very dark and creepy sounding to all the girls. Brooke did her front aerial. Then it was time for Chloe. Chloe did hers. "Push!" Abby screamed. Maddie did hers then Nia, then Paige, and finally Kendall. They worked on the group routine for a good full hour and had got a lot done. "Okay, now let's work on solos the order we will practice will be Paige, Brooke, Maddie and then Chloe. Paige go get your jazz shoes on and be back in here in 5 minutes the rest of you can take a break or go work on turns in studio B." The girls nodded and left the room, Paige pu ton her shoes and then went back in, while all the other girls except Chloe went to work on their turns. Chloe sat down in the dancers den and got started on her homework with being the last to rehearse her solo and then the durt being the last thing to rehearse Chloe had a feeling she would be here very late tonight and she had a ton of homework.

Chloe started with her math homework she may only be in sixth grade but she was in advanced math so she was really learning seventh grade math, and it was really challenging to her. "What is the value of "x" in the solution set of the inequality : -2x+5>17?" She read out loud to herself. Soon she heard a door open and figured it was just Paige or Maddie coming to get a drink before going back to rehearsing. But when someone sat down beside her and tapped her arm, she jumped and let out a little scream. Chloe jumped and looked to see who it was, it was just...Nick. "Hey Chlo, sorry I didn't mean to scare you or anything." He said with a smile. "It's fine I just thought you were Paige or Maddie coming to get a drink really quick or something." Nick looked around, it was just them two. "Where is Paige and Maddie and the rest of the girls for that matter" Chloe set down her math textbook and responded. "Paige is with Miss Abby learning her solo, Mackenzie is in tap since she can't be in the group dance because of her age and since she doesn't have a solo. And Maddie and the rest are in studio B practicing their turns." Nick nodded. "And why aren't you in there with Maddie and the rest practicing your turns?" He asked with a small smirk appearing on his face. "Because there is a thing called math homework." She responded. Nick picked up her textbook and looked at what she was studying. "Inequalities?" He looked over the page some more and then turned and looked at Chloe confused. "I don't remember learning inequalities like this is the sixth grade." He said. "That's because I'm in advanced math, so really I'm learning seventh grade math." She said turning back to look at the textbook laying in front of her. "So instead of practicing turns, you are out here, all alone, doing math homework?" He questioned. "It's not like I want to, but since my solo is going to be the last one rehearsed and the duet beng the last thing anyone is doing tonight I'm guessing we will be here till at least ten tonight, and I have a ton of homework due tomorrow." Chloe sighed. 

Chloe leaned her head back and rested it on the wall. Nick leaned his head back also and turned it to the side so he was looking at her. "Well I'm going to sit right here until you are done with all of your homework." Chloe smiled. "Thanks Nick." Chloe starteed on her homework again and about forty-five minutes later she was done. "Finally! I'm done!" She said happily as she relaxed her head against the wall again. Soon after Abby walked out into the dancers den to find Chloe. "Chloe, time to work on your solo." Chloe got up and stretched out her back and legs a bit before turning and walking and starting to walk into studio A. "Do good Chlo, see you in a bit." Nick said looking at her. Chloe turned back to look at him, and smiled before turning around and walking into studio A and letting the door close behind her.

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