Chapter 3

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 Chloe woke up the next morning still super tired. She looked at the clock on her nightstand thinking that it couldn't be time to get up. Sure enough though, it was in fact time to get up. Chloe got up took a quick shower, got dressed and walked down the stairs, to see her mom busy making breakfast in the kitchen.

Chloe walked into the kitchen to get herself a glass of orange juice to go along with her breakfast. After grabbing her glass from the cabinet and on her way across the room to the kitchen, Chloe stopped to give Clara, her younger sister, who was sitting in her highchair watching Christi make breakfast, a kiss on the nose. As Chloe gave her a kiss on the nose this caused Clara to giggle happily.

Chloe smiled hearing her little sister giggle, as she poured herself a glass of orange juice. Once she had her juice she walked over to the counter where to chairs were seated in front of it, and sat down in one of the chairs. Chloe yawned before taking a sip of her orange juice hoping that it would help wake her up.

"Morning Chlobird." Christi said as she flipped a piece of french toast over in the skillet. "Hi Mamabird." Chloe responded before laying her head down on her arms which were resting top of the counter. Christi seeing this made her concerned. "You okay Chloe?" She asked her daughter who was still resting her head on her arms.

"Yeah, I'm still just tired from yesterday, being up till like one in the morning." Christi nodded this made since to her. "Abby kept you and Nick really late last night." Chloe sighed. This again worried Christi, this wasn't normal behavior for Chloe. "Are you sure you are okay, Chlo?" Christi asked again worried about her daughter. "Yes." Seeing the look on her mother's face made her explain more. "It's just, Miss Abby kept Nick and me really late last night and now we are probably going to stay just as late or even later tonight, depending on how the others rehearse." Christi nodded, and went back to flipping the french toast.

Chloe rested her head on her arms again. A few minutes later, Chloe lifted her head up off her arms, to see Christi place a plate with two pieces of french toast on it, and a bowl of fruit filled with strawberries, blueberries, grapes, kiwi, and pineapple in down in front of her. Chloe smiled and thanked her mom. Christi watched Chloe start to eat before walking over ot where Clara was seated in her highchair, to feed her, her breakfast.

About thirty minutes later, Chloe looked at the clock and saw that it was time to get ready to go to school. Chloe got up from where she was sitting put her empty dishes in the sink and then went to go brush her teeth and put her shoes on.

A few minutes later Chloe came back with her backpack in hand and gave her mom a hug and a kiss. "Be safe. I love you Chloe." Christi said to her daughter. "I will. Love you too." Chloe responded.

Chloe walked out the door into the crisp September air. September was still pretty warm in Pittsburgh, but occasionally it would be cold. Today was one of those days where it was cold. Chloe didn't mind though as she walked down her driveway waiting for her bus. Soon after she had reached the end of her driveway, Chloe was her bus driving up her street towards her house. 

Once the bus stopped in front of her driveway Chloe got on the bus and found a seat. She managed to stay awake the whole bus ride, much to her disliking. As her bus arrived at the school, Chloe got off and started slowly walking towards the entrance of the school. As she entered the school Chloe looked at the clock and saw that she had fifteen minutes before first period, so she started walking towards Paige's locker to see her, and so that they could walk to class together.

"Hey Paige." Chloe called out walking towards her best friend. Paige turned around and her and when her eyes saw Chloe, he eyes widened to the size of watermelons. "Hey...Chlo.." Paige responded not used to seeing her best friend look like this. When Chloe reached Paige's locker. Chloe noticed that Paige's eyes were still wide. "What?" Chloe asked. Paige snapped out of her stare realizing she had been staring at Chloe. "Nothing." Paige responded, turning back to her locker. After putting all her books away, that she needed last night to complete her homework, Paige looked at Chloe, who was leaning against the locker next to her's. "Chloe.." Chloe's eyes opened slowly. Once her eyes were open all the way Chloe focused her eyes on Paige. "Are you sure you're okay?" Paige asked worried about her best friend. "I'm fine Paige, I'm just tired. Miss Abby kept Nick and me at the studio really late last night." Chloe informed Paige.

Now Paige understood why her best friend looked and was acting the way she was. "Oh yeah, you and Nick were the last ones there last night, how late did Miss Abby keep you?" Paige asked.

Chloe groaned in response to this thinking that tonight she will be at dance for the same amount of time, or possibly even later. "Well, we were at the studio till midnight, then Nick didn't have a ride so we took him home, I think. Then the next thing I know my mom is shaking me in the backseat and I'm alone in the car. She said we were home so, I got out of the car walked into the house, when I was walking through the kitchen I looked at the clock and I'm pretty sure it said 1:10 a.m." Chloe responded to Paige's question.

A few minutes later, Paige was done getting the books she would for first period out of her locker. Paige closed her locker an waited for Chloe. "Chloe...Chloe..Chloe!" Chloe jumped. "What!?" She questioned looking around frantically. "Nothing, it just seemed like you zoned out there for a minute." Paige told her. "Oh..thanks." Chloe said as her and Paige started walking to her locker.

Chloe spun her combination on the lock on her locker. Once Chloe opened her locker she exchanged the books and binders she needed last night to complete her homework, for the ones she would need for first period. Chloe grabbed her Language Arts textbook thinking that it was her Science book, Paige saw this and told Chloe. " have Science first period, not Language Arts." Chloe looked at Paige weirdly. "I know, that's why I'm grabbing my Science textbook..." She trailed off. "Really? Look at the book you have in your hands." "Paige! It's my Science textbook..." She trailed off looking down at her book, where it read: Enriched Language Arts. "Oh..My bad." Chloe said putting her Language Arts textbook back in her locker, and grabbing her Science textbook. Once Chloe was done at her locker, she slammed it shut, looking at Paige, when all of a sudden her vision got really blurry and she started seeing little black dots in her vision. Chloe quickly shook her head, to get rid of the black dots she was seeing in her vision, shaking her head got rid of the black dots, but caused a headache to form in their place.

After Chloe cleared her vision, and Paige didn't seem to notice that her best friend was acting strnge again. Chloe turned towards Paige and looked at her. "Ready?" Paige asked with her usual smile on her face. "Yeah.." Chloe said as her and Paige ran off to Science for first period.

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