Chapter 18

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The team got back to the Abby Lee Dance Company early Sunday morning. Everyone immediately unloaded their stuff from the bus and got in their cars, then went home. Everyone was still exhausted from the competition, even if most of them had slept the whole ride home.

Everyone enjoyed the rest of their Sunday, knowing that tomorrow the whole cycle of learning new dances would start and a new competition would follow on Saturday. 

Monday after school came a little too quickly for the girls. All the girls were in the dancers den stretching, waiting for Abby to come in and get them, so they could go over pyramid. Abby walked in five minutes later and called the girls into studio A. 

When the girls walked in, they noticed right away that there was no pyramid. Their pictures that are usually placed in pyramid formation, were not even anywhere in sight. 

"So, this week at Starquest." Abby begins. The girls know she is going to praise them for doing so well, or wouldn't have too many negative comments.

"Judging by the look on all your faces, I think you are all wondering why there is no pyramid. Well, we are not going to go to a competition this week. I am rewarding you by having and starting a new tradition here at the ALDC, and it is that instead of going to a competition this week, we are going to have our first annual ALDC prom."

All the girls faces turned from blank stares of confusion to happy smiles as soon as Abby said this. 

"Now girls, all of you with the exception of Mackenzie must bring a date. Now with that being said, this does not mean that you have to marry them, it can be someone special to you or you can just go as friends together. Understand?" All the girls nodded their heads. "Now this is a reward for how well you guys did on Saturday it was an amazing competition with a ton of talent, and you guys won it all. Also there will be no rehearsal this week." All the girls and moms jaws about dropped to the floor at this. "that is because I will be getting the dance together and you girls I assume will need time to find dresses, and all that stuff. Am I right?" The girls nodded, already off in their own daydreams. "The teen company will also be attending the prom. Also the boy each one of you brings must be a dancer, here at ALDC." 

At this all the girls turned their heads towards Chloe. Chloe looked away, her cheeks turning bright scarlet. 

When all the girls turned their heads and looked at Chloe, she knew what they were thinking. "You should go with Nick." Chloe knew that’s what they were all screaming at her in their heads.

"Girls, moms, you are dismissed, the prom is here on Saturday evening. It begins at 7:30 p.m." Abby finished then walked ou the door. 

All the girls ran up to their moms and talked about how excited they were. Everyone left the studio a few minutes later. 

When Chloe got home she decided to start her homework while her mom cooked dinner. Chloe kept this routine till Thursday after school. 

"Hey Chlo." Christi called as Chloe walked through the door Thursday afternoon. Chloe threw her book bag down and walked over to where her mom was standing. 

"Do you want to go look for your dress for prom tonight?" Christi asked, bending down to pick up Clara who was tugging on her pant leg.

"Sure." Chloe said, smiling. As Chloe agreed she remembered that she needed a date, and it was Thursday already. Chloe, and Christi walked outside after Christi had grabbed her purse. Chloe took Clara from Christi and buckled her up in her car seat, then got in her own seat. 

Christi drove to the mall and they decided to go into the store called Hopes. Christi and Chloe looed around for almost a half hour in the store and found no dresses that looked pretty or like something Chloe would wear. Right when they were about to leave the store Chloe saw a purple strapless dress, that looked really pretty.

"Hey mom, what about this one?" Chloe called. Christi turned around and saw the dress.

"Oh, that is really pretty. How about you go try it on?" Christ asked, shifting Clara to her other hip.

Chloe and Christi walked over and looked for a size that would fit Chloe. When they finally found one, Chloe went behind the curtain and changed into the dress. She walked out a minute later and showed Christi.

"Chloe, you look so pretty." Christi said, looking at her daughter. "Do you like it?" Christi asked. Chloe shook her head yes.

Chloe walked back behind the curtain and changed back into her normal clothes, and put the dress back on the hanger. Chloe and Christi walked up to the register and paid for the dress. When they got home, Chloe took the dress up to her room and hung it in her closet. While she was in her room, she looked at her iPhone and noticed that she had a new message from Nick. Chloe opened the message.

"Hey, I know it's kind of last minute, but I was wondering if you would want to go to the ALDC prom with me? :)" The message read. Chloe re-read the message about ten times to make sure she had read it correctly and then she let out a small scream.

Chloe texted back without having to even think. "Of course :)"  Chloe responded, before setting her phone and walking back down the stairs to start her homework.

(The dress in the sidebar image is Chloe's dress for the ALDC prom.)

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