Chapter 11

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Nick walked back up the stairs to the main floor where Christi was sitting in the waiting room. Nick walked over and sat down in a chair beside Christi, pulling out his phone after he sat down. Nick unlocked his phone and decided to go on twitter for a little bit while Chloe was in surgery. He scrolled down through his feed and decided to tweet about Chloe being in surgery.

"Official_NickD : At the hospital, waiting for Chloe to get out of surgery. :(" 

Nick pressed the tweet button that appeared on his iPhone screen and smiled when he saw all the instant replies from people, wishing for Chloe to be alright and saying that they loved her. Christi leaned over and looked at Nick's phone screen. 

Christi knew that this was hard for Nick, he was practically like Chloe's older brother and he loved her with all his heart. She could tell the two had a special connection from the very beginning. Christi put a hand on Nick's wrist which was now lying on the arm of the chair, as Nick stared straight ahead. Christi gave it a little squeeze grabbing Nick's attention.

"She's going to be fine." Christi said not knowing weather if she was trying to convince Nick or herself. 

"I know." Nick responded. "I'm just nervous for her." Nick said.

Nick was beyond nervous he was scared to death for the safety of Chloe. When Nick was about nine his grandpa had, had a brain tumor and the doctors scheduled him for major surgery right away, but when the doctors went to operate and remove the tumor, they dug too deep into his grandpas brain and it killed him, all while trying to remove the brain tumor.

"I'm going to go take a walk. I'll be right back." Nick said the nervousness still present in his voice. Nick walked back to where Chloe's hospital room was located; he walked into the room and laid down on the bed. The sheets smelled like the faint smell of Chloe's shampoo and conditioner. Nick breathed in the light scent of green apples. 

After a few minutes of just laying there thinking about Chloe, Nick got up and walked out the door and back towards the waiting room, where Christi was sitting. Once Nick got back to the waiting room he took his seat next to Christi again, looking for something to keep his mind off of Chloe.

A few hours later Nick heard footsteps approaching him and Christi. Nick looked up and saw it was Chloe's doctor, which had been in charge of her surgery. Nick jumped up from his seat and met the doctor halfway; Christi followed Nick to where the doctor was standing by the front desk. 

"Well.." The doctor began. "Her surgery went perfectly fine and the tumor was successfully removed. She shouldn't have any more problems and should be able to dance again after a couple weeks of recovery." The doctor said looking at Christi and Nick. 

"Can we see her?" Nic asked, with a smile on his face. He was so relieved that nothing bad had happened to Chloe during her surgery.

"Yes, but she is still asleep from her surgery. She should wake up in about an hour or two." The doctor said, flipping through his clipboard.

"Thank you so much, Doctor Avril." Christi said smiling.

"No problem." He responded, then turned and walked down the hallway to go check on another patient.

Christi and Nick walked down the hallway to Chloe's room; both were happy and excited to see her. Once they got to her room Nick opened and held the door while Christi walked in and then walked in himself behind her. Christi took a seat next to Chloe by the nightstand and Nick sat on the edge of Chloe's bed where he always sat.

About one hour later the doctor came back to talk to Christi out in the hallway and explain some of the possible symptoms that Chloe could have, from having the surgery. 

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