Chapter 25

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Rachels POV

After Sam and I finished eating, he took me over to the storage unit. Only the difference was, someone was there. And that someone was lookig for me.

Once Sam heard the person call my name he told me to stay where I was. Of course I wasn't going to argue back because I don't feel like getting slapped, I just stood there quietly. But once I heard the voice again I realized who it was. It was Finn Hudson.

Soon I knew Sam caught on, on who was in the storage room but the question is what is he gonna do about it? I decided to ask Sam a question, but mostly my plan to freedom.

"Hey, that's Finn." I simply say. I shouldn't have said it though because Sam gave me the most evil look there is.  "Maybe I can go in there and catch him off guard for you, so you can tie him up and leave him there" Hopefully he will believe my little act and I can get Finn out of their in time.

All Sam did was shake his head, he knew I had a plan and he wasn't going to let me go anywhere. "Nice try Rach, but I can deal with it by myself"

So me being my idiotic self, I decided to run toward the storage room screaming Finns name. "FINN YOU NEED TO LEAVE NOW!" and then BAM I was knocked onto the ground barely able to breath since I got body slammed.

"I told you to stay fucking quiet Berry" Sam growled at me covering my mouth and tackling me onto the ground so I couldn't move. I looked up and saw Finn. God he looked horrible, his eyes ha purple under them, he looked like he hasn't ate or slept in days, maybe weeks.

"R-Rachel?" Was all Finn said before he realized who was on top of me. That's when he got angry and came up to Sam pushing him off me. I decided it my chance to run and get help, but I don't want Finn killed.

"Come on Finn we need to get away from him!" I said grabbing his arm trying to pull him away from Sam but he wouldn't budge. Instead he kept kicking and punching Sam. All Sam did was lay there letting Finn beat the shit out of him.

"Finn stop!" I slapped his arm, hopefully that will get him to stop and it did. He looked at me and then looked at Sam. "Go, go get help" Finn looked at me serious.

"Your coming with me right?" I can't leave Finn alone with Sam, I can't have the risk of losing Finn. But I knew Finn wasn't messing around. I had to go.

I nodded at him and started to run. I ran faster than I ever have before. And I didn't stop, I didn't stop when I was supposed to. And that's when it came to an end. That's when I knew it was over.


Hey guys! God I havent posted in forever and I'm sorry about that, I'm glad people are still reading my story though! It means so much to me! I love you guys!

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