Chapter 22

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Finns POV


I got home hours later. I walked inside and realized my mom must've given up. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a water. All I could do was think of Rachel and how she is doing.

I went upstairs and just layed on my bed. Rachel's friend Kurt is dead. Rachel could be dead. Ever since she came it all went down hill. Maybe I chose the wrong girl to like. Damn it Finn.

So me being the idiot I am I decided to call Sam. I mean he is "missing" at least thats what we think. So I grabbed my phone and called him. All I got was seemed like hours was the stupid ringing noise then his voicemail.

I think its time to give up and let the police take over. I obviously haven't been any help, so I might as well give up.

I threw my phone and just layed on my bed. My mom must have heard me crying because she came in and started hug me saying 'its going to be okay' but it wont. The love of my life is missing and one of the kids I never talked to even though I should have died. Nothing will be okay.

It was about 3 hours later before I drifted off to sleep. I dreamt of Rachel and I and how she would be okay. Hopefully she will be back soon.


Hey guys! sorry for the long wait ive been at school and volleyball but I hope you like this chapter. I might be making another story soon, and might be ending this one soon also. Sorry for the bad news but I dont want a book with 1000 chapters and stuff like that.
but I promise you, this will end good.

Hope you love the chapter!! ❤❤

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