Chapter 24

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Finns POV

It was about 10am when I woke up the next morning. My mom must've went to work because she was no where to be found, so I decided to get something to eat since I don't remember the last time I ate an actual meal. I didn't really know what to do about this whole situation, I mean I'm not a professional, and I'm definitely not good at keeping people safe.. maybe its time for me to just stop and let it all go as it is. I know this sounds crazy but every time I go looking for Rachel I just die a little inside. She is the love of my life and without her I feel nothing, I don't have anymore emotions.

After I eat breakfast I took a shower and got dressed, then I decided to take a walk, it's nice out and it's not to cold so this is a perfect time to clear my mind. I took the route I usually do which going past this diner on the corner of road, and then past a storage place. It is like a 15 minute walk from my house to here.

When I arrived at the diner I went inside to get a coffee, I've never been in this place before so I don't know what their food or drinks taste like but their usually really busy so I'll give it a try. As I order my drink I look around and see some pictures of Sam and some other people, then I start to wonder.

"Um excuse me, do you anyone by the name of Sam Evans?" This was my last chance of finding Rachel.

"Yes, he is my grandson, he was just here last night. Are you a friend of his?" I'm guessing this is his Grandma.

"Yes I am, could I have his number? He told me to call him yesterday when I saw him at the park but he never gave me his number" Oh god please tell me.

"Actually Sam is over at the storage unit cleaning my stuff out for me," she smiles. "if you want he is in storage 3, here is the keys just make sure to tell him not to lose anything."

At that moment I felt like god is trying to tell me something, all I did was smile and nod while taking the keys.

"Thank you so much ma'am" And with that I run out to the storage units and look for the number 3.

I kept looking for the number 3 but it doesn't seem to be here, that's when I heard a scream come from one of the units with no number on it. I realized the scream wasn't just a random scream, it was Rachel's.


Sorry for not updating guys, I've been so busy lately! Thank you for still reading my story I appreciate it! I'll update again soon, I promise! ❤

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